diff options
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/install.sh b/install.sh
index cb3b7d4..00d1089 100755
--- a/install.sh
+++ b/install.sh
@@ -1,154 +1,138 @@
# !/bin/sh
-THIS_SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
+set -o errexit
+#set -o pipefail
+#set -o nounset
+#set -o xtrace
command -V gpg >/dev/null 2>&1 && GPG="gpg" || GPG="gpg2"
-printf "Welcome to the gpigeon.cgi installer. We will first install the
-#apt install perl gcc make cpanminus libnet-ssleay-perl || exit 1
-#cpanm Digest::SHA Email::Valid String::Random HTML::Entities CGI CGI::Carp Net::SMTP Net::SMTPS GPG || ( printf "\nInstallation of dependencies failed\n" && exit 1 )
+self_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
+HAS_MAILSERVER=0 # 0 is the default, it'll use an external smtp server (your gmail
+# account /ISP subscriber mail address for example). Change to 1 if you have a local mail
+# server.
+GPG_XLONG='0x0000000000000000' # running 'gpg -k --keyid-format 0xlong yourmail@example.com' will
+# help you there.
+self_abort() {
+ printf "\n${BOLD}${RED}Aborting...${STYLE_END}\n"
+ exit 1
+list_setupvars() {
+ printf "\nThis is what has been configured so far:"
+ printf "\nGpigeon root directory: %s" "$ROOT_DIR"
+ printf "\nCGI script directory: %s" "$CGI_DIR"
+ printf "\nGpigeon ownership: %s:%s" "$SCRIPT_USER" "$SCRIPT_GROUP"
+ printf "\nGpigeon links folder: %s" "$LINKS_DIR"
+ printf "\nGpigeon GPG homedir: %s" "$GPG_DATA_DIR"
+ printf "\nGPG public key id: %s" "$GPG_XLONG"
+ printf "\nLocal mailserver method: "
+ if [ $HAS_MAILSERVER -eq 0 ]; then
+ printf "${RED}no${STYLE_END}\nMail address: %s\nMail password: %s\nExternal SMTP server and port: %s:%s\n" "$YOUR_EMAIL" "$MAIL_PW" "$SMTP" "$SMTP_P"
+ else
+ printf "${GREEN}yes${STYLE_END}\n"
+ fi
+ printf "App password: %s\n" "$APP_PW"
+ printf "\n"
-interact() {
+ printf "\nPress any key to continue (CTRL+C to abort)..."
+ read
- if [ $INSTALLING eq 1 ]; then
- echo "already installing !"
- exit 1
+__check_setupvars() {
+ if ! $GPG -k "$GPG_HEX" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then
+ printf "No GPG key pair are related to your email. Create one and launch
+ this script again."
+ self_abort
- printf "Choose a password for the gpigeon web application: \n"
- read -r -s _APP_PASSWORD
- printf "\nRepeat password: "
- done
- # prevent obscure errors with q{} from perl
- _APP_PASSWORD="$(echo $_APP_PASSWORD | sed s/{/\\\\{/g | sed s/}/\\\\}/g)"
- HASHED_PASSWORD=`perl -e "use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);print sha256_hex(q{$_APP_PASSWORD});"`
- printf "\nPassword matches. The SHA256 hash of it is: \033[32m$HASHED_PASSWORD\033[0m\n"
- printf "\nWhat is your email address: "
- read -r _YOUR_EMAIL
- while ! echo "$_YOUR_EMAIL" | grep "$emailre" >/dev/null; do
- printf "\nYour email address is not a valid one. Type it again: "
- read -r _YOUR_EMAIL
- done
- printf "\033[32m$_YOUR_EMAIL\033[0m seems a valid e-mail address."
- while [[ -z $_YOUR_EMAIL_PASSWORD ]]; do
- printf "\nPassword for your email account: "
- done
- printf "\nAgain for confirmation: "
- done
- _YOUR_EMAIL_PASSWORD_VERIFICATION=$(printf '%s\n' "$_YOUR_EMAIL_PASSWORD" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^[]/\\&/g');
- domain="$(echo "$_YOUR_EMAIL" | sed "s/.*@//")"
- serverinfo="$(grep "^$domain" "domains.csv" 2>/dev/null)"
- if [ -z "$serverinfo" ]; then
- printf "\nAh. Your email domain isn't listed in the domains.csv file. Don't
- worry, you can find info relating to that easily on the domain website /
- the Internet, and type it in here."
- while ! echo "$smtp" | grep -Eo "[.[:alnum:]]"; do
- printf "\nWhat is the SMTP server address of your domain (typically like this: smtp.domain.net)? "
- read -r smtp
- done
- while ! echo "$sport" | grep -Eo "[0-9]{1,5}"; do
- printf "\nWhat is the SMTP server port (typically 465 or 587) ? "
- read -r sport
- done
- else
- print "Yay! Your email domain seems to be listed in domains.csv, so you don't
- have to manually type the smtp server address and port manually."
- IFS=, read service imap iport smtp sport <<EOF
- $serverinfo
- # smtp and sport variable are the only useful variable for our use case
+ if ! id $SCRIPT_USER; then
+ printf "\nThe user ${BOLD}$SCRIPT_USER${STYLE_END} doesn't exist. Edit
+ ${UNDL}$self_fullpath${STYLE_END} and search
+ for the ${BOLD}SCRIPT_USER${STYLE_END} variable.\n\n"
+ self_abort
- gpgidlong="$($GPG -k --with-colons $_YOUR_EMAIL| awk -F: '/^pub:/ {print $5}')"
- if [ -z gpgid ]; then
- printf "No GPG key pair are related to your email. Create one and launch
-this script again."
- exit 0
- else
- printf "\nGPG keyid associated to $_YOUR_EMAIL : \033[32m0x$gpgidlong\033[0m."
+ if ! getent group $SCRIPT_GROUP; then
+ echo "The ${BOLD}$SCRIPT_GROUP${END_STYLE} group doesn't exist. Edit $self_fullpath then modify
+ the SCRIPT_GROUP variable value."
+ self_abort
- while ! echo "$SCRIPT_DIR" | grep -Eo "^/"; do
- printf "\nWhich directory you want the script to be in (defaults to
- /var/www/cgi-bin/) ? Please provide an absolute path: "
- read -r SCRIPT_DIR
- done
- printf "\nWhat user and group you want to use for the gpigeon CGI script
- (defaults to www-data for both):"
- printf "\nUser: "
- read -r SCRIPT_USER
- printf "\nGroup (leave blank for same as user): "
- read -r SCRIPT_GROUP
- if [ -z SCRIPT_USER ]; then
- SCRIPT_USER='www-data'
+ if [ "$APP_PW" -eq "0" ] || [ -z $APP_PW ] ; then
+ echo "Please edit $0 with a text editor ($EDITOR I guess?) and change the
+ APP_PW variable."
+ self_abort
- while ! id $SCRIPT_USER; do
- printf "\nThe user you typed doesn't seem to exist. Try again with a valid one: "
- read -r SCRIPT_USER
- done
+ PW_LENGTH=$(echo $APP_PW | wc -L)
+ if [ $PW_LENGTH -le 8 ]; then
+ echo "Your password is too short, make it lengthier than 8 characters."
+ self_abort
+ fi
- if [ -z SCRIPT_GROUP ]; then
- fi
+ # prevent obscure errors with q{$APP_PW} in perl script
+ APP_PW_SANE="$(echo $APP_PW | sed s/{/\\\\{/g | sed s/}/\\\\}/g)"
- printf "\nWhere will be put the static files ? Defaults to /var/www/gpigeon."
+ # password checksum'd so no plaintext
+ HASHED_PASSWORD=$(printf "%s" "$APP_PW" | sha256sum)
+ if ! echo "$YOUR_EMAIL" | grep "$emailre" >/dev/null; then
+ printf "\nYour email address is not a valid one. Edit $self_fullpath and
+ modify the value of the YOUR_EMAIL variable."
+ fi
setup_gpigeon() {
- cp $THIS_SCRIPT_DIR/gpigeon-template.cgi $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- sed "s/password_hash_goes_here/$HASHED_PASSWORD/g" -i $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- sed "s/your_mail_address_goes_here/$_YOUR_EMAIL/g" -i $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- sed "s/your_mail_address_password_goes_here/$_YOUR_EMAIL_PASSWORD_VERIFICATION/g" -i $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- sed "s/smtp_domain_goes_here/$smtp/g" -i $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- sed "s/smtp_port_goes_here/$sport/g" -i $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- sed "s/gpgid_goes_here/$gpgidlong/g" -i $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- printf "\n\nCreating script directory at $SCRIPT_DIR ..."
- mkdir -p "$SCRIPT_DIR/l" || exit 1
+ apt install perl gcc make cpanminus libnet-ssleay-perl || self_abort
+ cpanm Digest::SHA Email::Valid String::Random HTML::Entities CGI CGI::Carp Net::SMTP Net::SMTPS GPG || ( printf "\nInstallation of dependencies failed\n" && self_abort )
- printf "\nCreating static files directory at $GPIGEON_ROOT_DIR"
- mkdir -p "$GPIGEON_ROOT_DIR" || exit 1
+ cp $self_dir/gpigeon-template.cgi $SCRIPT
+ sed "s/password_hash_goes_here/$HASHED_PASSWORD/g" -i $SCRIPT
+ sed "s/your_mail_address_goes_here/$YOUR_EMAIL/g" -i $SCRIPT
+ sed "s/your_mail_address_password_goes_here/$YOUR_EMAIL_PW/g" -i $SCRIPT
+ sed "s/smtp_domain_goes_here/$SMTP/g" -i $SCRIPT
+ sed "s/smtp_port_goes_here/$SMTP_P/g" -i $SCRIPT
+ sed "s/gpgid_goes_here/$gpgidlong/g" -i $SCRIPT
- printf "\nCopying personalized gpigeon.cgi script to $SCRIPT_DIR ..."
+ printf "\nCreating static files directory at $ROOT_DIR"
+ mkdir -p "$ROOT_DIR" || self_abort
+ printf "\nCopying static files to $ROOT_DIR ..."
+ cp -r $self_dir/{merci/,index.html,gpigeon.css,favicon.ico} $ROOT_DIR || self_abort
- printf "\nCopying static files to $GPIGEON_ROOT_DIR ..."
+ printf "\n\nCreating script and links directory at $CGI_DIR ..."
+ mkdir -p {"$CGI_DIR","$LINKS_DIR"} || self_abort
- cp $THIS_SCRIPT_DIR/{merci/,index.html,gpigeon.css,favicon.ico} $GPIGEON_ROOT_DIR || exit 1
+ printf "\nCopying personalized gpigeon.cgi script to $CGI_DIR ..."
+ cp $SCRIPT $CGI_DIR/ || self_abort
- printf "\nSetting ownership as $SCRIPT_USER:$SCRIPT_GROUP for directory $SCRIPT_DIR ..."
+ printf "\nSetting ownership as $SCRIPT_USER:$SCRIPT_GROUP for directory $CGI_DIR ..."
+ chown $SCRIPT_GROUP:$SCRIPT_USER $CGI_DIR || self_abort
- printf "\nSetting ownership as $SCRIPT_USER:$SCRIPT_GROUP for static directory $GPIGEON_ROOT_DIR ..."
+ printf "\nSetting ownership as $SCRIPT_USER:$SCRIPT_GROUP for static directory $ROOT_DIR ..."
+ chown $SCRIPT_GROUP:$SCRIPT_USER $ROOT_DIR || self_abort
printf "\nSetting up the GPG directory for the script ..."
if [[ -z $GPG_DATA_DIR ]]; then
@@ -162,33 +146,28 @@ setup_gpigeon() {
chmod 600 $GPG_DATA_DIR
- printf "\n\033[32mCongrats, we are done! You should now configure your web server in
- order to execute the CGI scripts in the $SCRIPT_DIR folder. Manuals and
- official websites for these softwares should help you.\033[0m\n\n"
+ printf "${BOLD}${GREEN}Congrats, we are done!${END_STYLE} You should now manually configure your web server to execute the CGI scripts in the $CGI_DIR folder. Manuals and
+ official websites for these softwares should help you.\n\n"
+ exit 0
+ printf "\n -c checks variables"
+ printf "\n -l lists variables"
+ printf "\n -y checks variables and attempts to install gpigeon"
+ printf "\n -s install gpigeon"
+ printf "\n -h print this help"
+ printf "\n\n"
-while getopts "iu:g:PAm" o; do
- case "${o}" in
- i)
- interact
- setup_gpigeon;;
- u)
- echo user will be $SCRIPT_USER;;
- #exit 0
- g)
- echo group will be $SCRIPT_GROUP;;
- P)
- echo kek;;
- A)
- echo kuk;;
- *)
- printf "\nlol fuck off\n";;
-# echo "$@"
-# echo $GETOPTS
- esac
- shift
+while getopts "clysh" o; do
+ case "${o}" in
+ c) __check_setupvars && exit 0;;
+ l) list_setupvars && exit 0;;
+ y) __check_vars && setup_gpigeon;;
+ s) setup_gpigeon;;
+ h) _usage_;;
+ #i) interactive_setup;;
+ *) __check_vars && list_setupvars && setup_gpigeon
+ esac