path: root/v0.9.5/views/honk.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'v0.9.5/views/honk.html')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/v0.9.5/views/honk.html b/v0.9.5/views/honk.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d1e465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v0.9.5/views/honk.html
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+<article class="honk {{ .Honk.Style }}" data-convoy="{{ .Honk.Convoy }}">
+{{ $bonkcsrf := .BonkCSRF }}
+{{ $IsPreview := .IsPreview }}
+{{ $maplink := .MapLink }}
+{{ $omitimages := .OmitImages }}
+{{ with .Honk }}
+{{ if $bonkcsrf }}
+<a class="honkerlink" href="/h?xid={{ .Honker }}" data-xid="{{ .Honker }}">
+{{ else }}
+<a href="{{ .Honker }}" rel=noreferrer>
+{{ end }}
+<img alt="" src="/a?a={{ .Honker}}">
+{{ if $bonkcsrf }} </a> {{ end }}
+{{ if .Oonker }}
+{{ if $bonkcsrf }}
+<a class="honkerlink" href="/h?xid={{ .Oonker }}" data-xid="{{ .Oonker }}">
+{{ else }}
+<a href="{{ .Oonker }}" rel=noreferrer>
+{{ end }}
+<img alt="" src="/a?a={{ .Oonker}}">
+{{ if $bonkcsrf }} </a> {{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ if $bonkcsrf }}
+<a class="honkerlink" href="/h?xid={{ .Honker }}" data-xid="{{ .Honker }}">{{ .Username }}</a>
+{{ else }}
+<a href="{{ .Honker }}" rel=noreferrer>{{ .Username }}</a>
+{{ end }}
+<span class="clip"><a href="{{ .URL }}" rel=noreferrer>{{ .What }}</a> {{ .Date.Local.Format "02 Jan 2006 15:04 -0700" }}</span>
+{{ if .Oonker }}
+<span style="margin-left: 1em;" class="clip">
+{{ if $bonkcsrf }}
+original: <a class="honkerlink" href="/h?xid={{ .Oonker }}" data-xid="{{ .Oonker }}">{{ .Oondle }}</a>
+{{ else }}
+original: <a href="{{ .Oonker }}" rel=noreferrer>{{ .Oondle }}</a>
+{{ end }}
+{{ else }}
+{{ if .RID }}
+<span style="margin-left: 1em;" class="clip">
+in reply to: <a href="{{ .RID }}" rel=noreferrer>{{ .RID }}</a>
+{{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ if $bonkcsrf }}
+<span style="margin-left: 1em;" class="clip">convoy: <a class="convoylink" href="/t?c={{ .Convoy }}">{{ .Convoy }}</a></span>
+{{ else }}
+<span style="margin-left: 1em;" class="clip">convoy: {{ .Convoy }}</span>
+{{ end }}
+<details class="noise" {{ .Open }} >
+<summary>{{ .HTPrecis }}<p></summary>
+<p>{{ .HTPrecis }}
+<p>{{ .HTML }}
+{{ with .Time }}
+<p>Time: {{ .StartTime.Local.Format "03:04PM EDT Mon Jan 02"}}
+{{ if .Duration }}<br>Duration: {{ .Duration }}{{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ with .Place }}
+<p>Location: {{ with .Url }}<a href="{{ . }}" rel=noreferrer>{{ end }}{{ .Name }}{{ if .Url }}</a>{{ end }}{{ if or .Latitude .Longitude }} <a href="{{ if eq $maplink "apple" }}https://maps.apple.com/?q={{ or .Name "here" }}&z=16&ll={{ .Latitude }},{{ .Longitude }}{{ else }}https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat={{ .Latitude }}&mlon={{ .Longitude}}#map=16/{{ .Latitude }}/{{ .Longitude }}{{ end }}" rel=noreferrer>{{ .Latitude }} {{ .Longitude }}</a>{{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ range .Donks }}
+{{ if .Local }}
+{{ if eq .Media "text/plain" }}
+<p><a href="/d/{{ .XID }}">Attachment: {{ .Name }}</a>{{ if not (eq .Desc .Name) }} {{ .Desc }}{{ end }}
+{{ else if eq .Media "application/pdf" }}
+<p><a href="/d/{{ .XID }}">Attachment: {{ .Name }}</a>{{ if not (eq .Desc .Name) }} {{ .Desc }}{{ end }}
+{{ else }}
+{{ if $omitimages }}
+<p><a href="/d/{{ .XID }}">Image: {{ .Name }}</a>{{ if not (eq .Desc .Name) }} {{ .Desc }}{{ end }}
+{{ else }}
+<p><img src="/d/{{ .XID }}" title="{{ .Desc }}" alt="{{ .Desc }}">
+{{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ else }}
+{{ if .External }}
+<p><a href="{{ .URL }}" rel=noreferrer>External Attachment: {{ .Name }}</a>{{ if not (eq .Desc .Name) }} {{ .Desc }}{{ end }}
+{{ else }}
+{{ if eq .Media "video/mp4" }}
+<p><video controls src="{{ .URL }}">{{ .Name }}</video>
+{{ else }}
+<p><img src="{{ .URL }}" title="{{ .Desc }}" alt="{{ .Desc }}">
+{{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ if and $bonkcsrf (not $IsPreview) }}
+{{ if .Honk.Public }}
+{{ if .Honk.IsBonked }}
+<button onclick="return unbonk(this, '{{ .Honk.XID }}');">unbonk</button>
+{{ else }}
+<button onclick="return bonk(this, '{{ .Honk.XID }}');">bonk</button>
+{{ end }}
+{{ else }}
+<button disabled>nope</button>
+{{ end }}
+<button onclick="return showhonkform(this, '{{ .Honk.XID }}', '{{ .Honk.Handles }}');"><a href="/newhonk?rid={{ .Honk.XID }}">honk back</a></button>
+<button onclick="return muteit(this, '{{ .Honk.Convoy }}');">mute</button>
+<button onclick="return showelement('evenmore{{ .Honk.ID }}')">even more</button>
+<div id="evenmore{{ .Honk.ID }}" style="display:none">
+<button onclick="return zonkit(this, '{{ .Honk.XID }}');">zonk</button>
+{{ if .Honk.IsAcked }}
+<button onclick="return flogit(this, 'deack', '{{ .Honk.XID }}');">deack</button>
+{{ else }}
+<button onclick="return flogit(this, 'ack', '{{ .Honk.XID }}');">ack</button>
+{{ end }}
+{{ if .Honk.IsSaved }}
+<button onclick="return flogit(this, 'unsave', '{{ .Honk.XID }}');">unsave</button>
+{{ else }}
+<button onclick="return flogit(this, 'save', '{{ .Honk.XID }}');">save</button>
+{{ end }}
+{{ if .Honk.IsUntagged }}
+<button disabled>untagged</button>
+{{ else }}
+<button onclick="return flogit(this, 'untag', '{{ .Honk.XID }}');">untag me</button>
+{{ end }}
+<button><a href="/edit?xid={{ .Honk.XID }}">edit</a></button>
+{{ if not (eq .Badonk "none") }}
+{{ if .Honk.IsReacted }}
+<button disabled>badonked</button>
+{{ else }}
+<button onclick="return flogit(this, 'react', '{{ .Honk.XID }}');">{{ .Badonk }}</button>
+{{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ end }}