Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* how to use section + screenshots in readme nowMiquel Lionel2021-01-251-0/+12
* adding screenshot dir and alt nav bar scrotMiquel Lionel2021-01-251-0/+0
* lol about formatting won't trigger if no mdMiquel Lionel2021-01-251-0/+0
* less ambiguous navbar sectionsMiquel Lionel2021-01-251-4/+4
* The alt navbar is cleaner now + search bar.Miquel Lionel2021-01-252-12/+25
* add search barMiquel Lionel2021-01-251-1/+4
* the license (gplv3)Miquel Lionel2021-01-241-0/+674
* the readmeMiquel Lionel2021-01-241-0/+7
* custom honk.html and header.html : easier to honkMiquel Lionel2021-01-242-0/+220