import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import QtQml.Models 2.1 import org.kde.kirigami 2.12 as Kirigami import DeltaChat 1.0 Kirigami.Page { title: qsTr("Chats") id: chatlistPage property DcContext context signal messagesChanged onMessagesChanged: { // Reload chatlist updateChatlist(); } Component.onCompleted: { eventEmitter.onMessagesChanged.connect(messagesChanged) updateChatlist() } ListModel { id: chatlistModel } function updateChatlist() { let chatlist = chatlistPage.context.getChatlist() // Merge new chatlist with existing one. // To preserve selected item, we do not simply clear and fill // the model from scratch. for (let i = 0; i < chatlist.getChatCount(); i++) { const summary = chatlist.getSummary(i) const chatId = chatlist.getChatId(i) const item = { chatId: chatId, msgId: chatlist.getMsgId(i), username: summary.text1 } let j; for (j = i; j < chatlistModel.count; j++) { if (chatlistModel.get(j).chatId == chatId) { // This chat was already in the chatlist, // move it to the new place and update. chatlistModel.move(j, i, 1) chatlistModel.set(i, item) break } } // This chat is new, insert it. if (j == chatlistModel.count) { chatlistModel.insert(i, item) } } // Remove any chats that are not present in the new chatlist. if (chatlistModel.count > chatlist.getChatCount()) { chatlistModel.remove(chatlist.getChatCount(), chatlistModel.count - chatlist.getChatCount()) } } ListView { id: chatlist anchors.fill: parent model: chatlistModel onCurrentItemChanged: { var chatId = chatlistModel.get(currentIndex).chatId console.log("Current index is " + currentIndex) console.log("Selected chat " + chatId) console.log("Depth is " + pageStack.depth) let chatPageComponent = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/ChatPage.qml") if (chatPageComponent.status == Component.Ready) { let myPage = chatPageComponent.createObject(chatlistPage, {chatId: chatId}) if (pageStack.depth == 2) { pageStack.push(myPage) } else if (pageStack.depth == 3) { pageStack.currentIndex = 2 pageStack.replace(myPage) } } } delegate: Kirigami.BasicListItem { width: chatlist.width label: chatlistPage.context.getChat(model.chatId).getName() subtitle: model.username } ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {} } }