import DeltaChat 1.0 import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import org.kde.kirigami 2.12 as Kirigami Kirigami.ScrollablePage { id: root required property DcContext context title: "Settings" Kirigami.FormLayout { Image { id: pfp Kirigami.FormData.label: "Avatar: " source: "file:" + root.context.getConfig("selfavatar") } FileDialog { id: changePfpDialog folder: nameFilters: ["Image files (*.jpg *.png *.gif)"] onAccepted: { var url = changePfpDialog.fileUrl.toString(); if (url.startsWith("file://") && url.length > 0) { var filename = url.substring(7); console.log("Set avatar to : " + filename); root.context.setConfig("selfavatar", filename); pfp.source = "file:" + root.context.getConfig("selfavatar"); } } } Button { id: changePfpBtn text: "Change avatar" "avatar-default" hoverEnabled: true onClicked: } TextField { id: displayNameField Kirigami.FormData.label: "Name: " text: root.context.getConfig("displayname") onEditingFinished: root.context.setConfig("displayname", text) } TextArea { Kirigami.FormData.label: "Signature: " text: root.context.getConfig("selfstatus") onEditingFinished: root.context.setConfig("selfstatus", text) selectByMouse: true } Switch { text: "Prefer end-to-end encryption" checked: root.context.getConfig("e2ee_enabled") == "1" onToggled: root.context.setConfig("e2ee_enabled", checked ? "1" : "0") } Switch { text: "Read receipts" checked: root.context.getConfig("mdns_enabled") == "1" onToggled: root.context.setConfig("mdns_enabled", checked ? "1" : "0") } Switch { text: "Watch Inbox" checked: root.context.getConfig("inbox_watch") == "1" onToggled: root.context.setConfig("inbox_watch", checked ? "1" : "0") } Switch { text: "Watch Sent" checked: root.context.getConfig("sentbox_watch") == "1" onToggled: root.context.setConfig("sentbox_watch", checked ? "1" : "0") } Switch { text: "Watch DeltaChat" checked: root.context.getConfig("mvbox_watch") == "1" onToggled: root.context.setConfig("mvbox_watch", checked ? "1" : "0") } Switch { text: "Send copy to self" checked: root.context.getConfig("bcc_self") == "1" onToggled: root.context.setConfig("bcc_self", checked ? "1" : "0") } Switch { text: "Move to DeltaChat" checked: root.context.getConfig("mvbox_move") == "1" onToggled: root.context.setConfig("mvbox_move", checked ? "1" : "0") } ComboBox { Kirigami.FormData.label: "Show classic emails: " textRole: "text" currentIndex: root.context.getConfig("show_emails") onActivated: root.context.setConfig("show_emails", currentIndex) model: ListModel { id: certificateChecksModel ListElement { text: "No, chats only" } ListElement { text: "For accepted contacts" } ListElement { text: "All" } } } Switch { text: "SOCKS5 enabled" checked: settingsPageRoot.context.getConfig("socks5_enabled") == "1" onToggled: settingsPageRoot.context.setConfig("socks5_enabled", checked ? "1" : "0") } TextField { Kirigami.FormData.label: "SOCKS5 host: " text: settingsPageRoot.context.getConfig("socks5_host") onEditingFinished: settingsPageRoot.context.setConfig("socks5_host", text) } TextField { Kirigami.FormData.label: "SOCKS5 port: " text: settingsPageRoot.context.getConfig("socks5_port") onEditingFinished: settingsPageRoot.context.setConfig("socks5_port", text) } TextField { Kirigami.FormData.label: "SOCKS5 username: " text: settingsPageRoot.context.getConfig("socks5_user") onEditingFinished: settingsPageRoot.context.setConfig("socks5_user", text) } TextField { Kirigami.FormData.label: "SOCKS5 password: " echoMode: TextInput.PasswordEchoOnEdit text: settingsPageRoot.context.getConfig("socks5_password") onEditingFinished: settingsPageRoot.context.setConfig("socks5_password", text) } } }