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authorFrancis Rowe <info@gluglug.org.uk>2015-02-08 03:04:17 +0000
committerFrancis Rowe <info@gluglug.org.uk>2015-02-08 03:04:17 +0000
commit3421ad3556db4f59be33d23a26f22c545b20b3b7 (patch)
parent068b8f582296224591200104ab6f92fac537078e (diff)
x200_external.html: Add notes about SOIC-8 to SOIC-16 upgrade.
Fix attribution on SOIC-8 photo.
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/docs/install/x200_external.html b/docs/install/x200_external.html
index 6922b901..c8bf037e 100644
--- a/docs/install/x200_external.html
+++ b/docs/install/x200_external.html
@@ -95,7 +95,10 @@ POMONA 5250 (correlate with the BBB guide)
=== right side of the X200 (where the audio jacks are) ===
<i>This is how you will connect. Numbers refer to pin numbers on the BBB, on the plugs near the DC jack.</i>
Here is a photo of the SOIC-8 flash chip: <a href="images/x200/soic8.jpg" alt="freenode IRC #libreboot 01:42 UK/London timezone February 8th 2015: pehjota: fchmmr: Here are two photos in the camera's configured resolution; resize them as you wish: http://www.pehjota.net/~pj/x200/soic-8/. License: CC BY-SA 3.0 or later. If you want other angles or anything, let me know.">images/x200/soic8.jpg</a>
-(image copyright 2015 Patrick P.J. McDermott &lt;pj@pehjota.net&gt;, CC BY-SA 3.0 or later)
+(image copyright 2015 Patrick &quot;P. J.&quot; McDermott &lt;pj@pehjota.net&gt;, CC BY-SA 3.0 or later)
+Look at the pads in that photo, on the left and right. Those are for SOIC-16. Would it be possible to remove the SOIC-8 and solder a SOIC-16
+chip on those pins?
<b>On the X200S the flash chip is underneath the board, in a WSON package.