path: root/resources/libreboot/patch/vboot/933c4e7aa4b873f0ad9cd4c348a1ea4f37f66aa7/depthcharge/veyron_speedy/0006-firmware-Separate-screen-and-wait-at-device-informat.patch
diff options
author4 of 7 (Leah Rowe) info@minifree.org <info@minifree.org>2017-01-21 18:14:33 +0000
committer4 of 7 (Leah Rowe) info@minifree.org <info@minifree.org>2017-01-21 18:18:20 +0000
commit4b0752e1c264c4ba2a354507ca97bb2e039dda1a (patch)
treedca24f3d11087443aa9c8b2d823ed1d5b8dad001 /resources/libreboot/patch/vboot/933c4e7aa4b873f0ad9cd4c348a1ea4f37f66aa7/depthcharge/veyron_speedy/0006-firmware-Separate-screen-and-wait-at-device-informat.patch
parent3c17e8d80e5bacacddb8be37b598cd91cf543539 (diff)
re-add old build system (for x86 boards/utils)
Everything will be migrated over to the new build system after release.
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/libreboot/patch/vboot/933c4e7aa4b873f0ad9cd4c348a1ea4f37f66aa7/depthcharge/veyron_speedy/0006-firmware-Separate-screen-and-wait-at-device-informat.patch')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/resources/libreboot/patch/vboot/933c4e7aa4b873f0ad9cd4c348a1ea4f37f66aa7/depthcharge/veyron_speedy/0006-firmware-Separate-screen-and-wait-at-device-informat.patch b/resources/libreboot/patch/vboot/933c4e7aa4b873f0ad9cd4c348a1ea4f37f66aa7/depthcharge/veyron_speedy/0006-firmware-Separate-screen-and-wait-at-device-informat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52f77d16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/libreboot/patch/vboot/933c4e7aa4b873f0ad9cd4c348a1ea4f37f66aa7/depthcharge/veyron_speedy/0006-firmware-Separate-screen-and-wait-at-device-informat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+From 4be2a60b0ebb845c8f5043ef3f27b691a51df7c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Paul Kocialkowski <contact@paulk.fr>
+Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2015 23:53:48 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 6/7] firmware: Separate screen and wait at device information
+ screen
+This blanks the screen (instead of redrawing it) at device information and
+waits for the user to press any key to come back to the developer mode screen.
+Signed-off-by: Paul Kocialkowski <contact@paulk.fr>
+ firmware/lib/vboot_api_kernel.c | 12 ++++++++++++
+ firmware/lib/vboot_display.c | 13 ++++++++-----
+ 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/firmware/lib/vboot_api_kernel.c b/firmware/lib/vboot_api_kernel.c
+index 7d22c93..4e6de18 100644
+--- a/firmware/lib/vboot_api_kernel.c
++++ b/firmware/lib/vboot_api_kernel.c
+@@ -425,6 +425,18 @@ developer_mode_screen:
+ "hold developer mode screen\n"));
+ hold = 1;
+ break;
++ case 0x09:
++ /* Ctrl+I = device information */
++ VBDEBUG(("VbBootDeveloper() - "
++ "device info\n"));
++ hold = 1;
++ VbDisplayDebugInfo(cparams, &vnc);
++ while (!VbExKeyboardRead()) ;
++ goto developer_mode_screen;
++ break;
+ case 0x0c:
+ VBDEBUG(("VbBootDeveloper() - "
+ "user pressed Ctrl+L; Try legacy boot\n"));
+diff --git a/firmware/lib/vboot_display.c b/firmware/lib/vboot_display.c
+index 472ca91..e092189 100644
+--- a/firmware/lib/vboot_display.c
++++ b/firmware/lib/vboot_display.c
+@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ const char *RecoveryReasonString(uint8_t code)
+ return "We have no idea what this means";
+ }
+-#define DEBUG_INFO_SIZE 512
++#define DEBUG_INFO_SIZE 768
+ VbError_t VbDisplayDebugInfo(VbCommonParams *cparams, VbNvContext *vncptr)
+ {
+@@ -556,8 +556,8 @@ VbError_t VbDisplayDebugInfo(VbCommonParams *cparams, VbNvContext *vncptr)
+ VbError_t ret;
+ uint32_t i;
+- /* Redisplay current screen to overwrite any previous debug output */
+- VbDisplayScreen(cparams, disp_current_screen, 1, vncptr);
++ /* Blank screen */
++ VbDisplayScreen(cparams, VB_SCREEN_BLANK, 1, vncptr);
+ /* Add hardware ID */
+ VbRegionReadHWID(cparams, hwid, sizeof(hwid));
+@@ -666,8 +666,11 @@ VbError_t VbDisplayDebugInfo(VbCommonParams *cparams, VbNvContext *vncptr)
+ used += StrnAppend(buf + used, sha1sum, DEBUG_INFO_SIZE - used);
+ }
+- /* Make sure we finish with a newline */
+- used += StrnAppend(buf + used, "\n", DEBUG_INFO_SIZE - used);
++ /* Make sure we finish with newlines */
++ used += StrnAppend(buf + used, "\n\n", DEBUG_INFO_SIZE - used);
++ used += StrnAppend(buf + used, "Press any key to continue\n\n",
++ DEBUG_INFO_SIZE - used);
+ /* TODO: add more interesting data:
+ * - Information on current disks */