path: root/resources/scripts/helpers/build
diff options
authorLeah Rowe <info@minifree.org>2016-09-20 10:09:37 +0100
committerLeah Rowe <info@minifree.org>2016-09-20 10:09:37 +0100
commitc3b759e2271cf9aa48a758e5f7cae2ffc0f1f0b9 (patch)
treed1b5d8a1eee222c702571c7d8cbbe81c3d789160 /resources/scripts/helpers/build
parentb50e80a683d4707bdec1a0bc37069c8edb152a9f (diff)
delete build/release/docs (we're not in GNU anymore, we don't want texinfo)
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/scripts/helpers/build')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 302 deletions
diff --git a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/.master b/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/.master
deleted file mode 100755
index 4c861353..00000000
--- a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/.master
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash -e
-# Libreboot documentation build script
-# The function index() borrows from gendocs.sh, part of gnulib, the
-# GNU Portability Library (https://www.gnu.org/software/gnulib/). The
-# objective is to generate a html document which indexes the libreboot
-# documentation in its various formats.
-# index() does not assume a certain set of formats have been
-# generated. It generates the index based on which files are located
-# in $man_dir.
-# Initialization for manual directory
-[ -d docs/manual ] || mkdir docs/manual
-# Initialization for building manuals
-name=$(basename $1) # Always defined; users do not execute directly
-resources_dir="docs/resources" # for including in html tar.gz
-css_path="" # TODO: add css?
-# Default variables
-comp_cmd="gzip -f -9 -c"
-# Initialization for generating eps images
-# Initialization for making index.html
-pkg_title="GNU Libreboot manual"
-pkg_email="example@libreboot.org" # sample
-cur_date=`date '+%B %d, %Y'`
-# In case users try to build more than one format at once.
-if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then
- echo "ERROR: Only one docs format can be built at once."
- exit 1
-case "$2" in
- "w")
- meta_type="web";;
- "")
- :;; # This is the normal usage case
- *)
- echo "ERROR: Only one docs format can be built at once."
- echo "If you are building html files for the libreboot website, use:"
- echo "\$ ./build docs <html-type> w"
- exit 1;;
-### FUNCTIONS ####
- echo "@set docsdir $1" > $constants
- echo "@set useinstall $2" >> $constants
- printf "INFO: Checking if jpgs have been converted to eps... "
- for i in $(find $images_path); do
- tdir_name=$(dirname $i)
- tfile_name=$(basename ${i,,})
- tfile_ext=${tfile_name##*.}
- tfile_base=$(basename -s .jpg ${i,,})
- if [ $tfile_ext = "jpg" ] && [ ! -e "${tdir_name}/${tfile_base}.eps" ]; then
- printf "converting ${i} >>>\n ${tdir_name}/${tfile_base}.eps ...\n\n"
- convert $i eps2:${tdir_name}/${tfile_base}.eps # using eps2 reduces file size
- fi
- done
- printf "Done.\n"
-# Return size of $1 in something resembling kilobytes.
- size=`ls -ksl $1 | awk '{print $1}'`
- echo $size
-# Concatenation function called by index
- if [ -e $man_dir$1 ]; then
- if [ -d $man_dir$1 ]; then
- echo "<li><a href=\"$1/index.html\">$2</a>$3</li>" >> "${man_dir}index.html"
- else
- echo "<li><a href=\"$1\">$2</a>$3</li>" >> "${man_dir}index.html"
- fi
- fi
-# Main index function
- sed \
- -e "s!%%TITLE%%!$pkg_title!g" \
- -e "s!%%PACKAGE%%!$pkg_name!g" \
- -e "s!%%DATE%%!$cur_date!g" \
- ${template_dir}gendocs_template_header >"${man_dir}index.html"
- for i in $(ls $man_dir); do
- [ -d $man_dir$i ] || size=`calcsize "${man_dir}${i}"`
- case $i in
- ${pkg_name}.dvi.gz)
- dvi_gz_size=$size;;
- ${pkg_name}_by-node.tar.gz)
- html_node_tgz_size=$size;;
- ${pkg_name}_by-section.tar.gz)
- html_section_tgz_size=$size;;
- ${pkg_name}_one-page.html)
- html_mono_size=$size;;
- ${pkg_name}_one-page.tar.gz)
- html_mono_gz_size=$size;;
- ${pkg_name}.info.gz)
- info_gz_size=$size;;
- ${pkg_name}.pdf)
- pdf_size=$size;;
- ${pkg_name}.pdf.gz)
- pdf_gz_size=$size;;
- ${pkg_name}.ps.gz)
- ps_gz_size=$size;;
- ${pkg_name}.txt)
- plaintext_size=$size;;
- ${pkg_name}.txt.gz)
- plaintext_gz_size=$size;;
- ${pkg_name}.texi.gz)
- texinfo_gz_size=$size;;
- *)
- :;;
- esac
- done
- concat_index "${pkg_name}_one-page.html" "HTML (${html_mono_size}K bytes)" " - entirely on one web page."
- concat_index "${pkg_name}_by-node" "HTML" " - with one web page per node."
- concat_index "${pkg_name}_by-section" "HTML" " - with one web page per section."
- concat_index "${pkg_name}_one-page.tar.gz" "HTML compressed (${html_mono_gz_size}K gzipped tar file)" " - entirely on one web page."
- concat_index "${pkg_name}_by-node.tar.gz" "HTML compressed (${html_node_tgz_size}K gzipped tar file)" " - with one web page per node."
- concat_index "${pkg_name}_by-section.tar.gz" "HTML compressed (${html_section_tgz_size}K gzipped tar file)" " - with one web page per section."
- concat_index "${pkg_name}.info.gz" "Info document (${info_gz_size}K bytes gzipped)."
- concat_index "${pkg_name}.txt" "ASCII text (${plaintext_size}K bytes)."
- concat_index "${pkg_name}.txt.gz" "ASCII text compressed (${plaintext_gz_size}K bytes gzipped)."
- concat_index "${pkg_name}.dvi.gz" "TeX dvi file (${dvi_gz_size}K bytes gzipped)."
- concat_index "${pkg_name}.pdf" "PDF file (${pdf_size}K bytes)."
- concat_index "${pkg_name}.pdf.gz" "PDF file compressed (${pdf_gz_size}K bytes gzipped)."
- concat_index "${pkg_name}.ps.gz" "Postscript file compressed (${ps_gz_size}K bytes gzipped)."
- concat_index "${pkg_name}.texi.gz" "Texinfo source (${texinfo_gz_size}K bytes gzipped)."
- sed -e "s!%%EMAIL%%!$pkg_email!g" ${template_dir}gendocs_template_footer >>"$man_dir/index.html"
-#### OPTIONS #####
-# options to makeinfo/texi2dvi and file names
-case "$name" in
- "dvi")
- check_eps
- make_opts="-q -c -e -o"
- type="tex"
- basefile="${pkgname}.dvi";;
- "html")
- type="dir"
- is_html="yes"
- make_opts="--html --no-warn --split=node --css-include=$css_path -o"
- basefile="${pkgname}_by-node";;
- "html-by-section")
- type="dir"
- is_html="yes"
- make_opts="--html --no-warn --split=section --css-include=$css_path -o"
- basefile="${pkgname}_by-section";;
- "html-one-page")
- is_html="yes"
- make_opts="--html --no-warn --no-split --css-include=$css_path -o"
- basefile="${pkgname}_one-page.html";;
- "info")
- make_opts="--no-warn --no-split -o"
- basefile="${pkgname}.info";;
- "pdf")
- type="tex"
- make_opts="-q -c -e -p -o"
- basefile="${pkgname}.pdf";;
- "plaintext")
- make_opts="--no-warn --no-split --plaintext -o"
- basefile="${pkgname}.txt";;
- "postscript")
- check_eps
- make_opts="-q -c -e --ps -o"
- type="tex"
- basefile="${pkgname}.ps";;
- "texinfo-gz")
- basefile="${pkgname}.texi"
- type="texi";;
-# split html and pdf/postscript need special paths to resources
-case "$type" in
- "dir")
- preprefix="../../";;
- "tex")
- preprefix=""
- make_cmd="texi2dvi";;
-# compress html using tar
-if [ $is_html = "yes" ]; then
- comp_cmd="tar czf"
- c_ext=".tar.gz"
-# set up special paths for web mode
-if [ $meta_type = "web" ]; then
- if [ $is_html = "yes" ]; then
- echo "INFO: Using web mode for $name"
- prefix="docs/"
- use_install="install/"
- else
- echo "WARNING: Using web mode has no effect for non-html output."
- fi
-# write pathnames (prefixes) to file
-set_constants "$preprefix$prefix" "$use_install"
-###### MAIN ######
-if [ $type = "texi" ]; then
- echo "Making compressed manual: $outfile$c_ext..."
- gzip -f -9 -c $texinfo_src > $outfile$c_ext
-else # The normal case
- echo "Writing manual: $outfile..."
- $make_cmd $make_opts $outfile $texinfo_src
- # Don't compress anything if in web mode
- if [ ! $meta_type = "web" ]; then
- echo "Making compressed manual: ${outfile%\.html}$c_ext..."
- # tar and gzip have different usages
- if [ $is_html = "yes" ]; then
- # Include resources in html tar archives, but not .eps
- # and remove .html extension for html-one-page
- $comp_cmd ${outfile%\.html}$c_ext $outfile $resources_dir --exclude=*eps
- else
- $comp_cmd $outfile > $outfile$c_ext
- fi
- echo "Building index..."
- build_index # TODO: when building all, do this only once
- fi
-echo "Done."
diff --git a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/dvi b/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/dvi
deleted file mode 100755
index c6f6fe0b..00000000
--- a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/dvi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-./build docs .master $0 $@
diff --git a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/html b/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/html
deleted file mode 100755
index c6f6fe0b..00000000
--- a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-./build docs .master $0 $@
diff --git a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/html-by-section b/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/html-by-section
deleted file mode 100755
index c6f6fe0b..00000000
--- a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/html-by-section
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-./build docs .master $0 $@
diff --git a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/html-one-page b/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/html-one-page
deleted file mode 100755
index c6f6fe0b..00000000
--- a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/html-one-page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-./build docs .master $0 $@
diff --git a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/info b/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/info
deleted file mode 100755
index c6f6fe0b..00000000
--- a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-./build docs .master $0 $@
diff --git a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/pdf b/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/pdf
deleted file mode 100755
index c6f6fe0b..00000000
--- a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/pdf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-./build docs .master $0 $@
diff --git a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/plaintext b/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/plaintext
deleted file mode 100755
index c6f6fe0b..00000000
--- a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/plaintext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-./build docs .master $0 $@
diff --git a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/postscript b/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/postscript
deleted file mode 100755
index c6f6fe0b..00000000
--- a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/postscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-./build docs .master $0 $@
diff --git a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/texinfo-gz b/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/texinfo-gz
deleted file mode 100755
index c6f6fe0b..00000000
--- a/resources/scripts/helpers/build/docs/texinfo-gz
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-./build docs .master $0 $@