path: root/i18n/fr_FR/docs/install/rpi_setup.md
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+title: Comment programmer une puce flash SPI avec la Raspberry Pi
+Ce document existe comme un guide pour lire de ou écrire dans une puce flash
+SPI avec la Raspberry Pi, utilisant le logiciel [flashrom](http://flashrom.org/Flashrom)
+La plupart des révisions de la RPi devrait marcher.
+Le projet Libreboot recommande d'utiliser [GNU+Linux sans blob]()
+This document exists as a guide for reading from or writing to an SPI flash
+chip with the Raspberry Pi, using the [flashrom](http://flashrom.org/Flashrom)
+software. Most revisions of the RPi should work.
+Le projet Libreboot recommande l'utilisation de [GNU+Linux sans blobs](https://blog.rosenzweig.io/blobless-linux-on-the-pi.html)
+sur la Raspberry Pi, pour éviter d'avoir à éxecuter des logiciels non-libres. C'est devenu
+seulement possible en Février 2017 et les instructions ci-dessous ne sont
+pas encore mises à jour avec les étapes nécessaires, donc silvouplaît ne suivez pas les
+étapes ci-dessous à moins que vous consentez à éxecuter des logiciels non-libre sur votre
+Raspberry Pi.
+Cela concerne seulement les puces flash SOIC-8 pour l'instant. Le guide pour les
+SOIC-16 viendra plus tard (pour l'instant, ça devrait être facile pour vous de déduire ce
+qu'il y a faire pour les SOIC-16).
+Raspberry Pi (ThinkPad X60/T60 et Macbook 2,1)
+La Raspberry Pi (un ordinateur GNU+Linux versatile pour \$25) peut être utilisé comme
+un outil de flashage de BIOS, grâce à ses broches GPIO et son support de SPI.
+Note: La Raspberry Pi Model A n'est pas supportée, puisqu'elle n'a pas de broches GPIO.
+### Désassembler les ThinkPad
+Suivez le [manuel de maintenance matérielle X60](http://download.lenovo.com/ibmdl/pub/pc/pccbbs/mobiles_pdf/42x3550_04.pdf)
+ou le [manuel de maintenance matérielle T60](http://download.lenovo.com/ibmdl/pub/pc/pccbbs/mobiles_pdf/42t7844_04.pdf) pour
+désassembler l'ordinateur portable, jusqu'à ce que vous pouvez accéder la puce BIOS.
+Pour des photos, suivez le [Guide Libreboot de Récupération du T60](t60_unbrick.md).
+ Sur le X60, la puce BIOS est sur le bas de la carte mère, sous une
+ couche de ruban adhésif noir protecteur.
+ Sur le T60, la puce BIOS est juste en dessous du repose main, mais
+ bloqué par une plaque en magnésium (que vous aurez à enlever).
+### Pomona Clip Pinout
+Diagram of the 26 GPIO Pins of the Raspberry Pi Model B (for the Model
+B+ with 40 pins, start counting from the right and leave 14 pins):
+![](images/rpi/0012.png) ![](images/rpi/0013.png)
+ 8-pin for X60:
+ ~~~~ LCD (Front) ~~~~
+ 8765
+ ----
+ | |
+ ----
+ 1234
+ ~~~ Palmrest (back) ~~
+ Pin \# SPI Pin Name BP (Seeed) BP (Spkfun) [Beagleboard Black](http://beagleboard.org/Support/bone101#headers) [Raspberry Pi](images/rpi/0000.jpg)
+ -------- -------------- ------------ ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
+ 1 CS White Red Pin 17 24
+ 2 MISO Black Brown Pin 21 21
+ 3 *not used* *not used* *not used* *not used* *not used*
+ 4 GND Brown Black Pin 1 25
+ 5 MOSI Gray Orange Pin 18 19
+ 6 CLK Purple Yellow Pin 22 23
+ 7 *not used* *not used* *not used* *not used* *not used*
+ 8 3.3V *red* White [3.3V PSU RED](bbb_setup.md) 17
+Make sure the pinouts are correct; otherwise, Flashrom will fail to
+detect a chip, or it will "detect" a `0x0` chip. Finally, make sure
+that the Pomona clip makes contact with the metal wires of the chip. It
+can be a challenge, but keep trying.
+### How to supply power to the flashchip
+There are two ways to supply power to the chip: plugging in an AC
+adapter (without turning the laptop on), and using the 8th 3.3v pin.
+I have found that the SST chips work best with the 8th pin, while the
+Macronix chips require an AC Adapter to power up.
+*Never connect both the 8th pin and the AC adapter at the same time.*
+Your results may vary.
+Reading the Flashchip
+First, visually inspect (with a magnifying glass) the type of flashchip
+on the motherboard.
+Next, download and compile the latest Flashrom source code on the
+Raspberry Pi.
+ sudo apt-get install build-essential pciutils usbutils libpci-dev libusb-dev libftdi1 libftdi-dev zlib1g-dev subversion libusb-1.0-0-dev
+ svn co svn://flashrom.org/flashrom/trunk flashrom
+ cd flashrom
+ make
+ sudo modprobe spi_bcm2708
+ sudo modprobe spidev
+If your chip is an SST, run this command:
+ sudo ./flashrom -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0 -r test.rom
+If your chip is a Macronix, run this command:
+ sudo ./flashrom -c "MX25L1605" -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0 -r test.rom
+Next, check the md5sum of the dump:
+ md5sum test.rom
+Run the `flashrom` command again to make a second dump. Then, check the
+md5sum of the second dump:
+ md5sum test.rom
+If the md5sums match after three tries, `flashrom` has managed to read
+the flashchip precisely (but not always accurately). You may try and
+flash Libreboot now.
+Flashing Libreboot
+Note: replace `/path/to/libreboot.rom` with the location of your chosen ROM,
+such as `../bin/x60/libreboot_usqwerty.rom`):
+If your chip is an SST, run this command:
+ sudo ./flashrom -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0 -w /path/to/libreboot.rom
+If your chip is a Macronix, run this command:
+ sudo ./flashrom -c "MX25L1605" -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0 -w /path/to/libreboot.rom
+Once that command outputs the following, the flash has completed
+successfully. If not, just flash again.
+ Reading old flash chip contents... done.
+ Erasing and writing flash chip... Erase/write done.
+ Verifying flash... VERIFIED.
+### Sources
+- [Scruss - Simple ADC with the Raspberry
+ Pi](http://scruss.com/blog/2013/02/02/simple-adc-with-the-raspberry-pi/)
+- [Flashing coreboot on a T60 with a Raspberry Pi -
+ the\_unconventional's
+ blog](https://web.archive.org/web/20150709043222/http://blogs.fsfe.org:80/the_unconventional/2015/05/08/coreboot-t60-raspberry-pi/)
+- *Pomona SOIC Clip flashing*
+ - [Arch Linux Wiki - Installing Arch Linux on
+ Chromebook](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Chromebook)
+ - [Google Drive - Raspberry Pi SOIC Clip
+ connection](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9f62MH0umbmRTA2Xzd5WHhjWEU&usp=sharing)
+ - [rPI with Flashrom and SOIC Clip
+ Powerpoint](http://satxhackers.org/wp/hack-content/uploads/2013/04/rPI_flashrom.pdf)
+### Raspberry Pi Pinout Diagrams
+ MCP 3008 Pin Pi GPIO Pin \# Pi Pin Name
+ ----- ---------- ---------------- --------------------
+ 16 `VDD` 1 `3.3 V`
+ 15 `VREF` 1 `3.3 V`
+ 14 `AGND` 6 `GND`
+ 13 `CLK` 23 `GPIO11 SPI0_SCLK`
+ 12 `DOUT` 21 `GPIO09 SPI0_MISO`
+ 11 `DIN` 19 `GPIO10 SPI0_MOSI`
+ 10 `CS` 24 `GPIO08 CE0`
+ 9 `DGND` 6 `GND`
+- Source: [Perl & Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi GPIO
+ Pinout](http://raspberrypi.znix.com/hipidocs/topic_gpiopins.htm)
+Raspberry Pi (ThinkPad X200)
+### Requirements:
+- An x86, x86\_64, or arm7l (for changing the libreboot.rom image mac
+ address)
+- Raspberry Pi and peripherals
+- Relevant SOIC clip
+- 6 female - female jumpers
+- Internet connection
+- Screw drivers
+Follow the [ThinkPad X200: Initial installation
+guide](x200_external.md) to
+disassemble the laptop, and access the BIOS rom chip.
+Note: `x86#` refers to commands to be run on the x86 computer, and `pi#` refers
+to commands to be run on the pi. A good practice is to make a work directory to
+keep your libreboot stuff inside.
+ x86# mkdir ~/work
+If you're running Raspian, you can do **sudo raspi-config**, enable SPI
+under Advanced and then spidev will be enabled. Simple, eh?
+[Download Libreboot from their releases
+page](../../download/). For your safety, verify the
+GPG signature as well.
+ x86# gpg --keyserver prefered.keyserver.org --recv-keys 0x656F212E
+ x86# for signature in $(ls *.sig); do gpg --verify $signature; done
+Install dependencies:
+ pi# sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libftdi1 libftdi-dev libusb-dev libpci-dev subversion libusb-1.0-0-dev pciutils, zlib, libusb, build-essential
+Download and build flashrom.
+ pi# svn co svn://flashrom.org/flashrom/trunk ~/flashrom
+ pi# cd ~/flashrom
+ pi# make
+ pi# sudo make install
+On your x86 box change the libreboot.rom mac address
+ x86# cd ~/work/libreboot_bin/
+Change the mac address on the libreboot images to match yours.
+ x86# ./ich9macchange XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
+Move the libreboot.rom image over to your pi
+ x86# scp ~/work/libreboot_bin/<path_to_your_bin> pi@your.pi.address:~/flashrom/libreboot.rom
+Shutdown your pi, write down your rom chip model, and wire up the clip
+ pi# sudo shutdown now -hP
+Chip model name
+Pinout. You may want to download the image so you can zoom in on the
+ Pin \# SPI Pin Name Raspberry Pi Pin \#
+ -------- -------------- ---------------------
+ 1 *not used* *not used*
+ 2 3.3V 1
+ 3 *not used* *not used*
+ 4 *not used* *not used*
+ 5 *not used* *not used*
+ 6 *not used* *not used*
+ 7 CS\# 24
+ 8 S0/SIO1 21
+ 9 *not used* *not used*
+ 10 GND 25
+ 11 *not used* *not used*
+ 12 *not used* *not used*
+ 13 *not used* *not used*
+ 14 *not used* *not used*
+ 15 S1/SIO0 19
+ 16 SCLK 23
+Note: The raspberry pi 3.3V rail should be sufficient to power the chip during
+flashing, so no external power supply should be required; however, at the time
+of writing that has only been tested and confirmed for one chip, the
+Macronix Spec sheet so you can adjust your pinout for 8 pin 4Mb chips as
+At this point connect your SOIC clip to the rom chip before powering on
+your PI.
+Power on your Pi, and run the following. Ensure you swap out
+"your\_chip\_name" with the proper name/model of your chip. Check that
+it can be read successfully. If you cannot read the chip and receive an
+error similar to "no EEPROM Detected" then
+you may want to make sure that MISO/MOSI are not swapped around, check
+with multimeter whether voltage is right and that ground is connected
+between "programmer" and target.
+ pi# cd ~/flashrom
+ pi# ./flashrom -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0,spispeed=512 --chip <your_chip_name> -r romread1.rom
+ pi# ./flashrom -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0,spispeed=512 --chip <your_chip_name> -r romread2.rom
+ pi# ./flashrom -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0,spispeed=512 --chip <your_chip_name> -r romread3.rom
+ pi# sha512sum romread*.rom
+If they are identical sha512 hashes then you can generally assume that
+it's safe to flash your rom.
+ pi# ./flashrom -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0,spispeed=512 --chip <your_chip_name> -w libreboot.rom
+It may fail a couple times, but keep at it and when you get the message
+`Verifying flash... Verified` or
+`Warning: Chip content is identical to the requested image` then you're
+Shut down your pi, put your box back together, and install a libre OS
+for great good!
+Raspberry Pi (C720 Chromebook)
+The Raspberry Pi (a multipurpose \$25 GNU+Linux computer) can be used as
+a BIOS flashing tool, thanks to its GPIO pins and SPI support.
+### [](#what-you-need){#user-content-what-you-need .anchor}What you need
+- \$25 - Raspberry Pi Model B (Rev.2 or higher)
+- \$10-20 - SOIC-8 Pomona Clip
+ - Usually comes bundled with nice, color-colored *female to
+ female* wires
+### [](#raspberry-pi-pinouts){#user-content-raspberry-pi-pinouts .anchor}Raspberry Pi Pinouts
+GPIO Pinouts:
+![](images/rpi/0009.png) ![](images/rpi/0010.png)
+> \*Diagram made by ["Pacman" from Win-Raid
+> Forums\*](http://www.win-raid.com/t58f16-Guide-Recover-from-failed-BIOS-flash-using-Raspberry-PI.md)
+SOIC Pinouts:
+### [](#plugging-in-the-soic-clip){#user-content-plugging-in-the-soic-clip .anchor}Plugging in the SOIC Clip
+We have to connect the Raspberry Pi to the SOIC Clip as shown in the
+below diagram (using the f-f wires usually included with the Pomona
+![SOIC Pinouts for C720 Chromebook](images/rpi/0003.png)
+(C720 Only?) The diagram depicts a "bridged" connection. You will need
+to fashion one with some copper wire:
+![Bridged wires](images/rpi/0004.jpg)
+Plug in the wires to the clip as shown below:
+![Pomona Clip connections](images/rpi/0005.jpg)
+Plug in the other end of the wires to the Raspberry Pi as shown below:
+![Raspberry Pi connections](images/rpi/0006.jpg)
+(C720 only?) Plug in the "bridged" wires as shown below:
+![Bridged wires connected](images/rpi/0007.jpg)
+Finally, put the Pomona SOIC clip on the chip:
+![Pomona Clip Connected](images/rpi/0008.jpg)
+### Flashrom
+[Once it's all set up, flashrom works out of the
+### Sources
+- *Pomona SOIC Clip flashing*
+ - [Arch Linux Wiki - Installing Arch Linux on
+ Chromebook](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Chromebook)
+ - [Google Drive - Raspberry Pi SOIC Clip
+ connection](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9f62MH0umbmRTA2Xzd5WHhjWEU&usp=sharing)
+ - [rPI with Flashrom and SOIC Clip
+ Powerpoint](http://satxhackers.org/wp/hack-content/uploads/2013/04/rPI_flashrom.pdf)
+ - [Tnhh - Unbricking Chromebook with
+ Beaglebone](http://www.tnhh.net/2014/08/25/unbricking-chromebook-with-beaglebone.md)
+- *Use a DIY DIP System to flash an desoldered BIOS chip*
+ - [Viktak - How to recover laptop after failed BIOS
+ flash](http://diy.viktak.com/2014/07/how-to-recover-laptop-after-failed-bios.md)
+ - [Win-Raid - Recover from Failed BIOS Flashing using Raspberry
+ Pi](http://www.win-raid.com/t58f16-Guide-Recover-from-failed-BIOS-flash-using-Raspberry-PI.md)
+Copyright © 2014, 2015 Lawrence Wu <sagnessagiel@gmail.com>\
+Copyright © 2015 snuffeluffegus <>\
+Copyright © 2015 Kevin Keijzer <>\
+Copyright © 2016 Leah Rowe <info@minifree.org>\
+This page is available under the [CC BY SA 4.0](../cc-by-sa-4.0.txt)