path: root/www
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-rw-r--r--www/images/soic16.jpgbin0 -> 58361 bytes
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30 files changed, 2925 insertions, 0 deletions
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+How to fork libreboot.org. (but why would you do that?)
+Make sure you have gettext enabled in PHP.
+You also need some symlinks. I won't explain too much about it, it's self-explanatory.
+Just have a look at this output for a rough idea (it's from the site/ directory):
+$ ls -lh
+total 52K
+drwxr-xr-x 2 vimuser vimuser 4.0K May 15 13:46 contrib
+drwxr-xr-x 2 vimuser vimuser 4.0K May 22 08:55 css
+lrwxrwxrwx 1 vimuser vimuser 27 Apr 5 03:58 docs -> ../../lbdev/libreboot/docs/
+drwxr-xr-x 2 vimuser vimuser 4.0K May 23 20:33 download
+-rw-r--r-- 1 vimuser vimuser 1.2K May 23 20:35 footer.php
+-rw-r--r-- 1 vimuser vimuser 1.3K May 15 13:02 functions.php
+-rw-r--r-- 1 vimuser vimuser 3.9K May 23 20:33 index.php
+drwxr-xr-x 2 vimuser vimuser 4.0K May 19 21:53 logo
+-rw-r--r-- 1 vimuser vimuser 24 Apr 5 04:16 robots.txt
+-rw-r--r-- 1 vimuser vimuser 4.5K May 23 20:35 variables.php
+(notice how anything not part of the git repository, i.e. in .gitignore, is a symlink to some place outside this git clone)
+This document is....
+Copyright 2015 Leah Rowe <info@minifree.org>
+This document is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License and all future versions.
+A copy of the license can be found at "cc-by-sa-4.txt".
+This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See ../cc-by-sa-4.txt for more information.
diff --git a/www/amd-libre.md b/www/amd-libre.md
new file mode 100644
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+title: Libreboot calls on AMD to release source code and specs for Ryzen platform
+Recently in the Libreboot project, we've been informed about the new
+Ryzen platforms being released and sold by AMD. They are currently
+taking input from the community. Here are ways you can contact AMD to
+tell them that you demand libre hardware:
+- <https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/5x4hxu/we_are_amd_creators_of_athlon_radeon_and_other/def5h1b/>
+- <https://twitter.com/amd?lang=en>
+- <https://www.facebook.com/AMD/>
+- <https://community.amd.com/places?filterID=all%7Eobjecttype%7Espace>
+- <https://www.amd.com/en-us/who-we-are/contact> (has contact links
+ for multiple countries)
+- **AMD's CEO, Lisa Su, can be contacted directly via email. Tell her
+ that you demand libre hardware: <lisa.su@amd.com>**
+Libreboot aims to provide fully *free software* initialization firmware
+on Intel, AMD, ARM, POWER and RISC-V platforms, and already does so on
+some older platforms.
+As documented in the [Libreboot FAQ section](../faq.md#amd), AMD is
+currently uncooperative in the libre software movement. Specifically, it
+releases non-free binary-only firmware for its platforms, along with
+tyrant technologies like the [AMD Platform Security
+We in the Libreboot project call on AMD to release source code and start
+cooperating with our upstream, [coreboot](https://coreboot.org/) (and
+[librecore](http://librecore.info)) for its new Ryzen platform and
+existing Zen platforms. This includes source code for all initialization
+firmware (typically referred to as the BIOS or UEFI firmware, by some
+members of the community), and in particular, the *AMD Platform Security
+Processor*, to allow the free/libre software community to use AMD
+hardware that is entirely freedom-respecting. If it's not too much to
+ask, we also would like source code and signing keys, including for the
+PSP and microcode for the CPU.
+We would also like to have board design guides, datasheets and
+footprints for CPUs/southbridges and so on.
+We especially need the signing keys to be released, for those components
+which are signed (PSP, CPU microcode, SMU, etc). This will make
+utilising any released source code possible (at present, some components
+will not run unless the firmware is signed by a certain signature,
+usually under lock and key by the hardware manufacturer).
+We in the community need freedom-respecting hardware! We call on AMD to
+work with us in the Libreboot, Coreboot and Librecore projects on
+bringing about a world where computing technology is no longer under
+lock and key from the manufacturer, and instead in the control and
+ownership of users.
+This has several benefits for AMD. There is currently a huge demand in
+the market for libre hardware. At present, the only companies providing
+it are ones like [Ministry of Freedom](https://minifree.org) where
+systems are sold with entirely free software, including the boot
+firmware and operating system, without any signed firmware for which no
+keys are available to the public.
+The problem? These companies are selling much older systems that are
+made libre mostly through reverse engineering. At present, the systems
+sold by such companies are using older hardware designs from 5-10 years
+ago, which means that most people who wish to use all libre software
+cannot do so, due to practicality concerns. There are some people who
+will use these older systems, but that is not without a huge sacrifice
+to their convenience since they end up using older, obsolete hardware
+and certain tasks (especially serious software development) becomes
+impractical for a lot of people.
+AMD has the power to reverse this trend, and there is a potential for a
+great amount of profit to be made. The free/libre and open source
+software communities would jump head over heels to support such a move.
+In other words, AMD can make money from investing in the libre software
+There is even a precedent already set. AMD previously did release source
+code for all of their newer platforms, to the coreboot project, but then
+they stopped. We're calling for this to resume, and to expand further
+than before.
+Here are some examples of popular campaigns, some of which were
+- <https://www.crowdsupply.com/sutajio-kosagi/novena>
+- <https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68/micro-desktop>
+- <https://www.crowdsupply.com/raptor-computing-systems/talos-secure-workstation>
+In all of these cases, the campaigns were popular and this was despite
+the hardware either being low-end and unsuitable for most people, or too
+expensive for most people to afford.
+Then look at the popularity of the Libreboot project.
+Just imagine what would happen if AMD started to produce cheap,
+affordable libre hardware, to the point where Libreboot could start
+supporting newer systems from AMD. The possibilities are endless! People
+would jump towards AMD and AMD's sales would go through the roof, while
+we in the libre hardware community would finally have systems from a
+manufacturer that cares for our freedoms to use our computers without
+proprietary software.
+Even low-end hardware like the BeagleBone or Raspberry Pi ([which can be
+shows that libre technology is profitable, and desired by the community.
+Then look at the Google Chromebooks. These devices come with coreboot
+preinstalled by default! There are even some ARM chromebooks that we
+support in Libreboot, which are still produced and sold brand new by
+resellers (e.g. Amazon, Newegg, etc). These devices are sold in the
+millions! This just shows that it's not only possible, but profitable,
+for AMD to start releasing systems which respect the freedom of users.
+It's not just commercial benefits that are made possible. There are all
+kinds of possibilities for scientific research if systems are libre at
+the hardware/firmware level. For instance, at present, universities do
+not teach BIOS / boot firmware development in their computer science
+courses, because this technology is currently restricted by
+manufacturers and available only to a privileged few.
+AMD has the power to do the right thing. We in Libreboot call on AMD to
+work with us in building a world where users of technology can use their
+computers without relying on any proprietary software. We want - need -
+a world of highly secure, libre, owner-controlled hardware, from
+companies that care about software freedom.
+We in the Libreboot project are available to contact, using the details
+on the homepage. We look forward to working with AMD :)
diff --git a/www/announce.md b/www/announce.md
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+title: Libreboot release announcements
+For information about current and past libreboot releases, see
+If you want to be notified when a new version of libreboot is released,
+contact Leah Rowe [using her contact information on the contributors
+page](contrib.md), and she will add you to a list (in a script) that
+sends emails to people when a new Libreboot release is made, with a copy
+of the announcement and list of changes. You can unsubscribe any time by
+contacting Leah again and she will remove you from the list.
+This replaces the mailing lists, which were previously used for this
+purpose but the mailing list has been discontinued by the libreboot
+If you find a bug in a libreboot release, or in a beta release (or in
+the git reposities), [then please let us know!](tasks.md)
+Backup of old Libreboot mailing lists
+See [../lists/](lists.md)
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+title: Contributors
+If we forgot to mention you here, let us know and we'll add you. (or if
+you don't want to be mentioned, let us know and we'll remove your
+Leah Rowe
+Leah is also responsible for [vimuser.org](https://vimuser.org/)
+(personal website) and [transit.org.uk](https://transit.org.uk/)
+(support group for transgender people).
+Timothy Pearson
+Ported the ASUS KGPE-D16 board to coreboot for the company Raptor
+Engineering of which Timothy is the CEO, and collaborated with Leah on
+merging it in libreboot. Timothy maintains this code in coreboot,
+helping Leah with the libreboot integration for it. This person's
+contact details are on the raptor site, or you can ping **tpearson** on
+the freenode IRC network.
+Paul Kocialkowski
+Ported the ARM (Rockchip RK3288 SoC) based *Chromebook* laptops to
+libreboot. Also one of the main [Replicant](http://www.replicant.us/)
+developers. Contact Paul on the libreboot IRC channel by the alias
+**paulk** or **paulk-&lt;hostname&gt;** (hostname is variable).
+Damien Zammit
+Maintains the Gigabyte GA-G41M-ES2L coreboot port, which is integrated
+in libreboot. Also works on other hardware for the benefit of the
+libreboot project. Contact **damo22** on the freenode IRC network. This
+persons website is [zammit.org](http://www.zammit.org/).
+Patrick "P. J." McDermott
+Patrick also did a lot of research and wrote the libreboot FAQ section
+relating to the [Intel Management Engine](../faq.md#intelme), in addition
+to making several improvements to the build system in libreboot.
+Steve Shenton
+Ported the ThinkPad X200 to libreboot, by figuring out how to deactive
+the Intel Management Engine on that laptop, and remove the firmware
+while still making the system boot correctly. The ThinkPad T400, T500,
+R400 and R500 were also ported to libreboot, based on this work.
+Denis Carikli
+Based on the work done by Peter Stuge, Vladimir Serbineko and others in
+the coreboot project, got native graphics initialization to work on the
+ThinkPad X60, allowing it to be supported in libreboot. Denis gave Leah
+a lot of advice and helped her to found the libreboot project. Contact
+**GNUtoo-irssi** in the \#libreboot IRC channel. Denis is also one of
+the founders of the [Replicant](http://replicant.us/) project.
+Vladimir Serbinenko
+Ported many of the thinkpads supported in libreboot, to coreboot, and
+made many fixes in coreboot which benefited the libreboot project.
+Contact **phcoder** in the \#coreboot IRC channel on freenode.
+Paul Menzel
+Investigated and fixed a bug in coreboot on the ThinkPad X60/T60 exposed
+by Linux kernel 3.12 and up, which caused 3D acceleration to stop
+working and video generally to become unstable. Paul worked with Leah on
+this, sending her patches to test periodically until the bug was fixed
+in coreboot, and then helped her integrate the fix in libreboot. Contact
+**PaulePanter** in the \#libreboot IRC channel.
+Alyssa Rosenzweig
+Switched the website to use markdown in lieu of handwritten HTML and custom
+PHP. Additionally assisted with [booting
+Linux](https://blog.rosenzweig.io/blobless-linux-on-the-pi.md) on the Raspberry
+Pi without blobs.
+Jeroen Quint
+Contributed several fixes to the libreboot documentation, relating to
+installing Parabola with full disk encryption on libreboot systems.
+Contact **Jezza** in the \#libreboot IRC channel.
+Arthur Heymans
+Merged a patch from coreboot into libreboot, enabling C3 and C4 power
+states to work correctly on GM45 laptops. This was a long-standing issue
+before Athur's contribution. Arthur also fixed VRAM size on i945 on
+GM45 systems, allowing maximum VRAM allocation for the onboard GPUs on
+these systems, another longstanding issue in libreboot. Contact **apvh**
+in the \#libreboot IRC channel.
+Peter Stuge
+Helped Leah write the section about DMA on
+[../faq/\#firmware-hddssd](../faq/#firmware-hddssd), and provided
+general advice in early days of the project. Contact **CareBear\\** in
+the \#coreboot IRC channel on freenode.
+Klemens Nanni
+Made many fixes and improvements to the GRUB configuration used in
+libreboot, and several tweaks to the build system. Contact **kl3** in
+the \#libreboot IRC channel.
+Marcus Moeller
+Made the libreboot logo.
+Swift Geek
+Contributed a patch for ich9gen to generate 16MiB descriptors. Contact
+**swiftgeek** in the IRC channel.
diff --git a/www/donate.md b/www/donate.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a5d2a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/donate.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+title: Donate
+The project is funded by [Minifree Ltd](https://minifree.org/) sales of
+libreboot-preinstalled systems (laptops, desktops, servers, etc). [Leah
+Rowe](contrib.md) runs both Minifree and the Libreboot project.
+There are also some libreboot stickers and systems with libreboot
+preinstalled that you can purchase, linked to from the [suppliers
+page](suppliers.md), which can further support the libreboot project.
diff --git a/www/download.md b/www/download.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/www/download.md
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+title: Download
+*The latest stable release is 20160907, released on 2016-09-07 and can
+be found at [\#https](#https).*
+If you're more interested in libreboot development, go to the
+[libreboot development page](../git/), which also includes links to the
+Git repositories. Visit [../tasks/](../tasks/) for tasks currently on
+the TODO list.
+GPG signing key
+See [here](gpg/).
+Do you have a mirror?
+Let us know! We will add it here. Instructions for how to mirror
+libreboot releases can be found [here](rsync.md).
+HTTPS mirrors {#https}
+These mirrors are recommended, since they use TLS (https://) encryption.
+<https://mirrors.peers.community/mirrors/libreboot/> (Peers Community
+Project, USA)
+<https://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/libreboot.org/release/> (University
+of Kent, UK)
+<https://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/libreboot/> (Princeton
+university, USA)
+<https://mirrors.cicku.me/libreboot/> (CICKU FOSS Mirror Service,
+<https://vimuser.org/libreboot/> (vimuser.org, Netherlands)
+<https://ginette.swordarmor.fr/libreboot/> (swordarmor.fr, France)
+<https://mirror.se.partyvan.eu/pub/libreboot/> (partyvan.eu, Sweden)
+<https://elgrande74.net/libreboot/> (elgrande74.net, France)
+<https://nedson.net/libreboot> (nedson.net, USA)
+HTTP mirrors {#http}
+WARNING: these mirrors are non-HTTPS which means that they are
+unencrypted. Your traffic could be subject to interference by
+adversaries. Make especially sure to check the GPG signatures, assuming
+that you have the right key. Of course, you should do this anyway, even
+if using HTTPS.
+<http://mirrors.mit.edu/libreboot/> (MIT university, USA)
+<http://tpvj6abq225m5pcf.onion/pub/libreboot/> (Tor hidden server,
+Undisclosed location)
+<http://mirror.linux.ro/libreboot/> (linux.ro, Romania)
+<http://mirror.helium.in-berlin.de/libreboot/> (in-berlin.de, Germany)
+<http://libreboot.mirror.si/> (mirror.si, Slovenia)
+FTP mirrors {#ftp}
+WARNING: FTP is also unencrypted, like HTTP. The same risks are present.
+<ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/libreboot.org/release/> (University
+of Kent, UK)
+<ftp://ftp.linux.ro/libreboot/> (linux.ro, Romania)
+<ftp://libreboot.mirror.si/libreboot> (mirror.si, Slovenia)
+Statically linked
+Libreboot includes statically linked executables. If you need the
+sources for those statically linked dependencies inside the executables,
+then you can contact the libreboot project using the details on the home
+page; source code will be provided. You can download this source code
+from [here](https://libreboot.org/ccsource/).
diff --git a/www/faq.md b/www/faq.md
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+title: Frequently Asked Questions
+x-toc-enable: true
+Important issues
+What version of libreboot do I have?
+See [../docs/\#version](../docs/#version)
+The backlight is darker on the left side of the screen when lowering the brightness on my X200/T400/T500/R400
+We don't know how to detect the correct PWM value to use in
+coreboot-libre, so we just use the default one in coreboot which has
+this issue on some CCFL panels, but not LED panels.
+You can work around this in your distribution, by following the notes at
+My computer thinks it's 1970-01-01 (GM45 laptops)
+Use Libreboot 20160818 or higher. This was a bug in coreboot, fixed
+upstream and merged in Libreboot 20160818.
+Alternatively, you can use kernel version 4.2 or older, if you wish to
+use libreboot 20150518 or earlier.
+The ethernet doesn't work on my X200/T400/X60/T60 when I plug in it
+This was observed on some systems using network-manager. This happens
+both on the original BIOS and in libreboot. It's a quirk in the
+hardware. On debian systems, a workaround is to restart the networking
+service when you connect the ethernet cable:
+ sudo service network-manager restart
+On Parabola, you can try:
+ sudo systemctl restart network-manager
+(the service name might be different for you, depending on your
+My KCMA-D8 or KGPE-D16 doesn't boot with the PIKE2008 module installed
+Libreboot 20160818, 20160902 and 20160907 all have a bug: in SeaBIOS,
+PCI options ROMs are loaded when available, by default. This is not
+technically a problem, because an option ROM can be free or non-free. In
+practise, though, they are usually non-free.
+Loading the option ROM from the PIKE2008 module on either ASUS KCMA-D8
+or KGPE-D16 causes the system to hang at boot. It's possible to use
+this in the payload (if you use a linux kernel payload, or petitboot),
+or to boot (with SeaGRUB and/or SeaBIOS) from regular SATA and then use
+it in GNU+Linux. The Linux kernel is capable of using the PIKE2008
+module without loading the option ROM.
+Libreboot-unstable (or git) now disables loading PCI option ROMs, but
+previous releases with SeaGRUB (20160818-20160907) do not. You can work
+around this by running the following command:
+ ./cbfstool yourrom.rom add-int -i 0 -n etc/pci-optionrom-exec
+You can find *cbfstool* in the \_util archive with the libreboot release
+that you are using.
+Hardware compatibility
+What systems are compatible with libreboot?
+See [../docs/hcl/](docs/hcl/).
+Several supported systems are also available with libreboot
+preinstalled. Check the [suppliers](suppliers.md) page for more
+Will the Purism Librem laptops be supported?
+Probably not. There are several privacy, security and freedom issues
+with these laptops, due to the Intel chipsets that they use. See
+replaced (e.g. [Intel Management Engine](#intelme) and [CPU microcode
+updates](#microcode)). It uses the proprietary [Intel FSP](#fsp) blob
+for the entire hardware initialization, which Intel [won't
+provide](#intel-is-uncooperative) the source code for. The Video BIOS
+(initialization firmware for the graphics hardware) is also proprietary.
+The libreboot project recommends avoiding this hardware entirely.
+It will likely take many years to replace even one of these blobs, let
+alone all of them. Some of them (ME firmware and microcode) can't even
+be replaced, which immediately disqualifies these laptops from being
+added to libreboot. Google engineers have tried for many years to get
+source code from Intel, and to reverse engineer the blobs that Intel
+provides. So far, they have been unsuccessful. Google is also one of the
+companies that funds the coreboot project, and they hire a lot of the
+core developers, so it's not like they don't have vast resources at
+their disposal. Smaller companies have no chance.
+The librem does have coreboot support, but it's pretty meaningless
+(it's shimboot, which means that coreboot is just incorporating blobs.
+It's not real coreboot support, but rather, what is shamelessly passed
+off as coreboot support these days, where binary blobs for **the
+entire** hardware initialization is considered acceptable in the
+coreboot project). It should be noted, that the coreboot port for librem
+was done by a lone Google software developer (Duncan Laurie), not
+Purism, working independently. Purism had nothing to do with the port.
+Why is the latest Intel hardware unsupported in libreboot? {#intel}
+It is extremely unlikely that any post-2008 Intel hardware will ever be
+supported in libreboot, due to severe security and freedom issues; so
+severe, that *the libreboot project recommends avoiding all modern Intel
+hardware. If you have an Intel based system affected by the problems
+described below, then you should get rid of it as soon as possible*. The
+main issues are as follows:
+### Intel Management Engine (ME) {#intelme}
+Introduced in June 2006 in Intel's 965 Express Chipset Family of
+(Graphics and) Memory Controller Hubs, or (G)MCHs, and the ICH8 I/O
+Controller Family, the Intel Management Engine (ME) is a separate
+computing environment physically located in the (G)MCH chip. In Q3 2009,
+the first generation of Intel Core i3/i5/i7 (Nehalem) CPUs and the 5
+Series Chipset family of Platform Controller Hubs, or PCHs, brought a
+more tightly integrated ME (now at version 6.0) inside the PCH chip,
+which itself replaced the ICH. Thus, the ME is ***present on all Intel
+desktop, mobile (laptop), and server systems since mid 2006***.
+The ME consists of an ARC processor core (replaced with other processor
+cores in later generations of the ME), code and data caches, a timer,
+and a secure internal bus to which additional devices are connected,
+including a cryptography engine, internal ROM and RAM, memory
+controllers, and a ***direct memory access (DMA) engine*** to access the
+host operating system's memory as well as to reserve a region of
+protected external memory to supplement the ME's limited internal RAM.
+The ME also has ***network access*** with its own MAC address through an
+Intel Gigabit Ethernet Controller. Its boot program, stored on the
+internal ROM, loads a firmware "manifest" from the PC's SPI flash
+chip. This manifest is ***signed with a strong cryptographic key***,
+which differs between versions of the ME firmware. If the manifest
+isn't signed by a specific Intel key, the boot ROM won't load and
+execute the firmware and the ME processor core will be halted.
+The ME firmware is compressed and consists of modules that are listed in
+the manifest along with secure cryptographic hashes of their contents.
+One module is the operating system kernel, which is based on a
+***proprietary real-time operating system (RTOS) kernel*** called
+"ThreadX". The developer, Express Logic, sells licenses and source
+code for ThreadX. Customers such as Intel are forbidden from disclosing
+or sublicensing the ThreadX source code. Another module is the Dynamic
+Application Loader (DAL), which consists of a ***Java virtual machine***
+and set of preinstalled Java classes for cryptography, secure storage,
+etc. The DAL module can load and execute additional ME modules from the
+PC's HDD or SSD. The ME firmware also includes a number of native
+application modules within its flash memory space, including Intel
+Active Management Technology (AMT), an implementation of a Trusted
+Platform Module (TPM), Intel Boot Guard, and audio and video DRM
+The Active Management Technology (AMT) application, part of the Intel
+"vPro" brand, is a Web server and application code that enables remote
+users to power on, power off, view information about, and otherwise
+manage the PC. It can be ***used remotely even while the PC is powered
+off*** (via Wake-on-Lan). Traffic is encrypted using SSL/TLS libraries,
+but recall that all of the major SSL/TLS implementations have had highly
+publicized vulnerabilities. The AMT application itself has ***[known
+which have been exploited to develop rootkits and keyloggers and
+covertly gain encrypted access to the management features of a PC.
+Remember that the ME has full access to the PC's RAM. This means that
+an attacker exploiting any of these vulnerabilities may gain access to
+everything on the PC as it runs: all open files, all running
+applications, all keys pressed, and more.
+[Intel Boot Guard](https://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/33981.html) is an ME
+application introduced in Q2 2013 with ME firmware version 9.0 on 4th
+Generation Intel Core i3/i5/i7 (Haswell) CPUs. It allows a PC OEM to
+generate an asymmetric cryptographic keypair, install the public key in
+the CPU, and prevent the CPU from executing boot firmware that isn't
+signed with their private key. This means that ***coreboot and libreboot
+are impossible to port*** to such PCs, without the OEM's private
+signing key. Note that systems assembled from separately purchased
+mainboard and CPU parts are unaffected, since the vendor of the
+mainboard (on which the boot firmware is stored) can't possibly affect
+the public key stored on the CPU.
+ME firmware versions 4.0 and later (Intel 4 Series and later chipsets)
+include an ME application for ***audio and video
+called "Protected Audio Video Path" (PAVP). The ME receives from the
+host operating system an encrypted media stream and encrypted key,
+decrypts the key, and sends the encrypted media decrypted key to the
+GPU, which then decrypts the media. PAVP is also used by another ME
+application to draw an authentication PIN pad directly onto the screen.
+In this usage, the PAVP application directly controls the graphics that
+appear on the PC's screen in a way that the host OS cannot detect. ME
+firmware version 7.0 on PCHs with 2nd Generation Intel Core i3/i5/i7
+(Sandy Bridge) CPUs replaces PAVP with a similar DRM application called
+"Intel Insider". Like the AMT application, these DRM applications,
+which in themselves are defective by design, demonstrate the omnipotent
+capabilities of the ME: this hardware and its proprietary firmware can
+access and control everything that is in RAM and even ***everything that
+is shown on the screen***.
+The Intel Management Engine with its proprietary firmware has complete
+access to and control over the PC: it can power on or shut down the PC,
+read all open files, examine all running applications, track all keys
+pressed and mouse movements, and even capture or display images on the
+screen. And it has a network interface that is demonstrably insecure,
+which can allow an attacker on the network to inject rootkits that
+completely compromise the PC and can report to the attacker all
+activities performed on the PC. It is a threat to freedom, security, and
+privacy that can't be ignored.
+Before version 6.0 (that is, on systems from 2008/2009 and earlier), the
+ME can be disabled by setting a couple of values in the SPI flash
+memory. The ME firmware can then be removed entirely from the flash
+memory space. libreboot [does this](../docs/hcl/gm45_remove_me.html) on
+the Intel 4 Series systems that it supports, such as the [Libreboot
+X200](../docs/install/x200_external.html) and [Libreboot
+T400](../docs/install/t400_external.html). ME firmware versions 6.0 and
+later, which are found on all systems with an Intel Core i3/i5/i7 CPU
+and a PCH, include "ME Ignition" firmware that performs some hardware
+initialization and power management. If the ME's boot ROM does not find
+in the SPI flash memory an ME firmware manifest with a valid Intel
+signature, the whole PC will shut down after 30 minutes.
+Due to the signature verification, developing free replacement firmware
+for the ME is basically impossible. The only entity capable of replacing
+the ME firmware is Intel. As previously stated, the ME firmware includes
+proprietary code licensed from third parties, so Intel couldn't release
+the source code even if they wanted to. And even if they developed
+completely new ME firmware without third-party proprietary code and
+released its source code, the ME's boot ROM would reject any modified
+firmware that isn't signed by Intel. Thus, the ME firmware is both
+hopelessly proprietary and "tivoized".
+**In summary, the Intel Management Engine and its applications are a
+backdoor with total access to and control over the rest of the PC. The
+ME is a threat to freedom, security, and privacy, and the libreboot
+project strongly recommends avoiding it entirely. Since recent versions
+of it can't be removed, this means avoiding all recent generations of
+Intel hardware.**
+More information about the Management Engine can be found on various Web
+sites, including [me.bios.io](http://me.bios.io/Main_Page),
+[unhuffme](http://io.netgarage.org/me/), [coreboot
+wiki](http://www.coreboot.org/Intel_Management_Engine), and
+The book ***[Platform Embedded Security Technology
+Revealed](https://www.apress.com/9781430265719)*** describes in great
+detail the ME's hardware architecture and firmware application modules.
+If you're stuck with the ME (non-libreboot system), you might find this
+Also see (effort to disable the ME):
+- look at the whole thread
+### Firmware Support Package (FSP) {#fsp}
+On all recent Intel systems, coreboot support has revolved around
+integrating a blob (for each system) called the *FSP* (firmware support
+package), which handles all of the hardware initialization, including
+memory and CPU initialization. Reverse engineering and replacing this
+blob is almost impossible, due to how complex it is. Even for the most
+skilled developer, it would take years to replace. Intel distributes
+this blob to firmware developers, without source.
+Since the FSP is responsible for the early hardware initialization, that
+means it also handles SMM (System Management Mode). This is a special
+mode that operates below the operating system level. **It's possible
+that rootkits could be implemented there, which could perform a number
+of attacks on the user (the list is endless). Any Intel system that has
+the proprietary FSP blob cannot be trusted at all.** In fact, several
+SMM rootkits have been demonstrated in the wild (use a search engine to
+find them).
+### CPU microcode updates {#microcode}
+All modern x86 CPUs (from Intel and AMD) use what is called *microcode*.
+CPUs are extremely complex, and difficult to get right, so the circuitry
+is designed in a very generic way, where only basic instructions are
+handled in hardware. Most of the instruction set is implemented using
+microcode, which is low-level software running inside the CPU that can
+specify how the circuitry is to be used, for each instruction. The
+built-in microcode is part of the hardware, and read-only. Both the
+circuitry and the microcode can have bugs, which could cause reliability
+Microcode *updates* are proprietary blobs, uploaded to the CPU at boot
+time, which patches the built-in microcode and disables buggy parts of
+the CPU to improve reliability. In the past, these updates were handled
+by the operating system kernel, but on all recent systems it is the boot
+firmware that must perform this task. Coreboot does distribute microcode
+updates for Intel and AMD CPUs, but libreboot cannot, because the whole
+point of libreboot is to be 100% [free
+On some older Intel CPUs, it is possible to exclude the microcode
+updates and not have any reliability issues in practise. All current
+libreboot systems work without microcode updates (otherwise, they
+wouldn't be supported in libreboot). However, all modern Intel CPUs
+require the microcode updates, otherwise the system will not boot at
+all, or it will be extremely unstable (memory corruption, for example).
+Intel CPU microcode updates are *signed*, which means that you could not
+even run a modified version, even if you had the source code. If you try
+to upload your own modified updates, the CPU will reject them.
+The microcode updates alter the way instructions behave on the CPU. That
+means they affect the way the CPU works, in a very fundamental way. That
+makes it software. The updates are proprietary, and are software, so we
+exclude them from libreboot. The microcode built into the CPU already is
+not so much of an issue, since we can't change it anyway (it's
+### Intel is uncooperative
+For years, coreboot has been struggling against Intel. Intel has been
+shown to be extremely uncooperative in general. Many coreboot
+developers, and companies, have tried to get Intel to cooperate; namely,
+releasing source code for the firmware components. Even Google, which
+sells millions of *chromebooks* (coreboot preinstalled) have been unable
+to persuade them.
+Even when Intel does cooperate, they still don't provide source code.
+They might provide limited information (datasheets) under strict
+corporate NDA (non-disclosure agreement), but even that is not
+guaranteed. Even ODMs and IBVs can't get source code from Intel, in
+most cases (they will just integrate the blobs that Intel provides).
+Recent Intel graphics chipsets also [require firmware
+Intel is [only going to get
+when it comes to user freedom. Libreboot has no support recent Intel
+platforms, precisely because of the problems described above. The only
+way to solve this is to get Intel to change their policies and to be
+more friendly to the [free
+software](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software) community.
+Reverse engineering won't solve anything long-term, unfortunately, but
+we need to keep doing it anyway. Moving forward, Intel hardware is a
+non-option unless a radical change happens within Intel.
+**Basically, all Intel hardware from year 2010 and beyond will never be
+supported by libreboot. The libreboot project is actively ignoring all
+modern Intel hardware at this point, and focusing on alternative
+Why is the latest AMD hardware unsupported in libreboot? {#amd}
+It is extremely unlikely that any post-2013 AMD hardware will ever be
+supported in libreboot, due to severe security and freedom issues; so
+severe, that *the libreboot project recommends avoiding all modern AMD
+hardware. If you have an AMD based system affected by the problems
+described below, then you should get rid of it as soon as possible*. The
+main issues are as follows:
+[We call on AMD to release source code and specs for the new AMD Ryzen
+platforms! We call on the community to put pressure on AMD. Click here
+to read more](amd-libre.md)
+### AMD Platform Security Processor (PSP)
+This is basically AMD's own version of the [Intel Management
+Engine](#intelme). It has all of the same basic security and freedom
+issues, although the implementation is wildly different.
+The Platform Security Processor (PSP) is built in on all Family 16h +
+systems (basically anything post-2013), and controls the main x86 core
+startup. PSP firmware is cryptographically signed with a strong key
+similar to the Intel ME. If the PSP firmware is not present, or if the
+AMD signing key is not present, the x86 cores will not be released from
+reset, rendering the system inoperable.
+The PSP is an ARM core with TrustZone technology, built onto the main
+CPU die. As such, it has the ability to hide its own program code,
+scratch RAM, and any data it may have taken and stored from the
+lesser-privileged x86 system RAM (kernel encryption keys, login data,
+browsing history, keystrokes, who knows!). To make matters worse, the
+PSP theoretically has access to the entire system memory space (AMD
+either will not or cannot deny this, and it would seem to be required to
+allow the DRM "features" to work as intended), which means that it has
+at minimum MMIO-based access to the network controllers and any other
+PCI/PCIe peripherals installed on the system.
+In theory any malicious entity with access to the AMD signing key would
+be able to install persistent malware that could not be eradicated
+without an external flasher and a known good PSP image. Furthermore,
+multiple security vulnerabilities have been demonstrated in AMD firmware
+in the past, and there is every reason to assume one or more zero day
+vulnerabilities are lurking in the PSP firmware. Given the extreme
+privilege level (ring -2 or ring -3) of the PSP, said vulnerabilities
+would have the ability to remotely monitor and control any PSP enabled
+machine completely outside of the user's knowledge.
+Much like with the Intel Boot Guard (an application of the Intel
+Management Engine), AMD's PSP can also act as a tyrant by checking
+signatures on any boot firmware that you flash, making replacement boot
+firmware (e.g. libreboot, coreboot) impossible on some boards. Early
+anecdotal reports indicate that AMD's boot guard counterpart will be
+used on most OEM hardware, disabled only on so-called "enthusiast"
+### AMD IMC firmware
+Read <https://www.coreboot.org/AMD_IMC>.
+### AMD SMU firmware
+Handles some power management for PCIe devices (without this, your
+laptop will not work properly) and several other power management
+related features.
+The firmware is signed, although on older AMD hardware it is a symmetric
+key, which means that with access to the key (if leaked) you could sign
+your own modified version and run it. Rudolf Marek (coreboot hacker)
+found out how to extract this key [in this video
+and based on this work, Damien Zammit (another coreboot hacker)
+[partially replaced it](https://github.com/zamaudio/smutool/) with free
+firmware, but on the relevant system (ASUS F2A85-M) there were still
+other blobs present (Video BIOS, and others) preventing the hardware
+from being supported in libreboot.
+### AMD AGESA firmware
+This is responsible for virtually all core hardware initialization on
+modern AMD systems. In 2011, AMD started cooperating with the coreboot
+project, releasing this as source code under a free license. In 2014,
+they stopped releasing source code and started releasing AGESA as binary
+blobs instead. This makes AGESA now equivalent to [Intel FSP](#fsp).
+### AMD CPU microcode updates
+Read the Intel section
+practically the same, though it was found with much later hardware in
+AMD that you could run without microcode updates. It's unknown whether
+the updates are needed on all AMD boards (depends on CPU).
+### AMD is incompetent (and uncooperative)
+AMD seemed like it was on the right track in 2011 when it started
+cooperating with and releasing source code for several critical
+components to the coreboot project. It was not to be. For so-called
+economic reasons, they decided that it was not worth the time to invest
+in the coreboot project anymore.
+For a company to go from being so good, to so bad, in just 3 years,
+shows that something is seriously wrong with AMD. Like Intel, they do
+not deserve your money.
+Given the current state of Intel hardware with the Management Engine, it
+is our opinion that all performant x86 hardware newer than the AMD
+Family 15h CPUs (on AMD's side) or anything post-2009 on Intel's side
+is defective by design and cannot safely be used to store, transmit, or
+process sensitive data. Sensitive data is any data in which a data
+breach would cause significant economic harm to the entity which created
+or was responsible for storing said data, so this would include banks,
+credit card companies, or retailers (customer account records), in
+addition to the "usual" engineering and software development firms.
+This also affects whistleblowers, or anyone who needs actual privacy and
+What *can* I use, then? {#whatcaniuse}
+Libreboot has support for fam15h AMD hardware (~2012 gen) and some
+older Intel platforms (~2006-2009 gen). We also have support for some
+ARM chipsets (rk3288). On the Intel side, we're also interested in some
+of the chipsets that use Atom CPUs (rebranded from older chipsets,
+mostly using ich7-based southbridges).
+Will libreboot work on a ThinkPad T400 or T500 with an ATI GPU?
+Short answer: yes. These laptops also have an Intel GPU inside, which
+libreboot uses. The ATI GPU is ignored by libreboot.
+These laptops use what is called *switchable graphics*, where it will
+have both an Intel and ATI GPU. Coreboot will allow you to set (using
+nvramtool) a parameter, specifying whether you would like to use Intel
+or ATI. The ATI GPU lacks free native graphics initialization in
+coreboot, unlike the Intel GPU.
+Libreboot modifies coreboot, in such a way where this nvramtool setting
+is ignored. Libreboot will just assume that you want to use the Intel
+GPU. Therefore, the ATI GPU is completely disabled on these laptops.
+Intel is used instead, with the free native graphics initialization
+(VBIOS replacement) that exists in coreboot.
+Will the latest ThinkPad models be supported?
+The latest ThinkPad generation supported in libreboot are the ones using the
+GM45 (ICH9) chipsets, such as the ThinkPad X200 or T400. ThinkPads newer than
+this generation will probably never be supported in libreboot, due to the fact
+that there are signed blobs that cannot be removed or replaced (e.g. Intel
+Management Engine]. Newer laptops are starting to
+the [Intel Boot Guard](https://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/33981.html), which
+specifically blocks the use of firmware that has not been signed by the OEM.
+Coreboot does have support for some more recent Lenovo laptops, but libreboot
+cannot support most of these.
+Will desktop/server hardware be supported?
+Libreboot now supports desktop hardware:
+(with full native video initialization).
+A common issue with desktop hardware is the Video BIOS, when no onboard
+video is present, since every video card has a different Video BIOS.
+Onboard GPUs also require one, so those still have to be replaced with
+free software (non-trivial task). Libreboot has to initialize the
+graphics chipset, but most graphics cards lack a free Video BIOS for
+this purpose. Some desktop motherboards supported in coreboot do have
+onboard graphics chipsets, but these also require a proprietary Video
+BIOS, in most cases.
+Hi, I have &lt;insert random system here&gt;, is it supported?
+Most likely not. First, you must consult coreboot's own hardware
+compatibility list at <http://www.coreboot.org/Supported_Motherboards>
+and, if it is supported, check whether it can run without any
+proprietary blobs in the ROM image. If it can: wonderful! Libreboot can
+support it, and you can add support for it. If not, then you will need
+to figure out how to reverse engineer and replace (or remove) those
+blobs that do still exist, in such a way where the system is still
+usable in some defined way.
+For those systems where no coreboot support exists, you must first port
+it to coreboot and, if it can then run without any blobs in the ROM
+image, it can be added to libreboot. See: [Motherboard Porting
+Guide](http://www.coreboot.org/Motherboard_Porting_Guide) (this is just
+the tip of the iceberg!)
+Please note that board development should be done upstream (in coreboot)
+and merged downstream (into libreboot). This is the correct way to do
+it, and it is how the libreboot project is coordinated so as to avoid
+too much forking of the coreboot source code.
+What about ARM?
+Libreboot has support for some ARM based laptops, using the *Rockchip
+RK3288* SoC. Check the libreboot [hardware compatibility
+list](../docs/hcl/#supported_list), for more information.
+General questions
+How do I install libreboot?
+See [../docs/install/](docs/install/)
+How do I program an SPI flash chip with the BeagleBone Black?
+See [../docs/install/bbb\_setup.html](../docs/install/bbb_setup.html).
+How do I program an SPI flash chip with the Raspberry Pi?
+See [../docs/install/rpi\_setup.html](../docs/install/rpi_setup.html).
+How do I set a boot password?
+If you are using the GRUB payload, you can add a username and password
+(salted, hashed) to your GRUB configuration that resides inside the
+flash chip. The following guides (which also cover full disk encryption,
+including the /boot/ directory) show how to set a boot password in GRUB:
+How do I write-protect the flash chip?
+By default, there is no write-protection on a libreboot system. This is
+for usability reasons, because most people do not have easy access to an
+external programmer for re-flashing their firmware, or they find it
+inconvenient to use an external programmer.
+On some systems, it is possible to write-protect the firmware, such that
+it is rendered read-only at the OS level (external flashing is still
+possible, using dedicated hardware). For example, on current GM45
+laptops (e.g. ThinkPad X200, T400), you can write-protect (see
+Depending on your flash chip, you can also write-protect the i945
+laptops, such as the ThinkPad X60 or T60 (see
+for links to a video explaining it).
+It's possible to write-protect on all libreboot systems, but the
+instructions need to be written. The documentation is in the main git
+repository, so you are welcome to submit patches adding these
+How do I change the BIOS settings?
+Libreboot actually uses the [GRUB
+payload](http://www.coreboot.org/GRUB2). More information about payloads
+can be found at
+Libreboot inherits the modular payload concept from coreboot, which
+means that pre-OS bare-metal *BIOS setup* programs are not very
+practical. Coreboot (and libreboot) does include a utility called
+*nvramtool*, which can be used to change some settings. You can find
+nvramtool under *coreboot/util/nvramtool/*, in the libreboot source
+The *-a* option in nvramtool will list the available options, and *-w*
+can be used to change them. Consult the nvramtool documentation on the
+coreboot wiki for more information.
+In practise, you don't need to change any of those settings, in most
+Libreboot locks the CMOS table, to ensure consistent functionality for
+all users. You can use:
+ nvramtool -C yourrom.rom -w somesetting=somevalue
+This will change the default inside that ROM image, and then you can
+re-flash it.
+Do I need to install a bootloader when installing a distribution?
+Libreboot integrates the GRUB bootloader already, as a
+*[payload](http://www.coreboot.org/Payloads)*. This means that the GRUB
+bootloader is actually *flashed*, as part of the boot firmware
+(libreboot). This means that you do not have to install a boot loader on
+the HDD or SSD, when installing a new distribution. You'll be able to
+boot just fine, using the bootloader (GRUB) that is in the flash chip.
+This also means that even if you remove the HDD or SSD, you'll still
+have a functioning bootloader installed which could be used to boot a
+live distribution installer from a USB flash drive. See
+Do I need to re-flash when I re-install a distribution?
+Not anymore. Recent versions of libreboot (using the GRUB payload) will
+automatically switch to a GRUB configuration on the HDD or SSD, if it
+exists. You can also load a different GRUB configuration, from any kind
+of device that is supported in GRUB (such as a USB flash drive). For
+more information, see
+What does a flash chip look like?
+SOIC-8 SPI flash chip:
+![SOIT-8 SPI flash chip](images/soic8.jpg)
+SOIC-16 SPI flash chip:
+![SOIT-8 SPI flash chip](images/soic16.jpg)
+Is this a GNU project anymore?
+No. We left GNU on 2016-09-15, in protest of transphobia at the FSF.
+See [here](gnu.md) for details.
+Freedom questions
+Are external GPUs (e.g. PCI-E) OK?
+The Video BIOS is present on most video hardware. On all current
+libreboot systems, this is implemented using free software. The Video
+BIOS is responsible for initializing any sort of visual display; without
+it, you'd have what's called a *headless* system.
+For integrated graphics, the VBIOS is usually embedded as an *option
+ROM* in the main boot firmware. For external graphics, the VBIOS is
+usually on the graphics card itself. This is usually proprietary; the
+only difference is that SeaBIOS executes it (alternatively, you embed it
+in a coreboot ROM image and have coreboot executes it, if you use a
+different payload, such as GRUB).
+We're going to tentatively say no, they're not OK. Unless you're
+actively working to replace the VBIOS, or find out how to get a visual
+display without it (possible in some cases, if the kernel driver can be
+modified to work without it, possibly only needing certain
+non-executable data).
+What other firmware exists outside of libreboot?
+The main freedom issue on any system, is the boot firmware (usually
+referred to as a BIOS or UEFI). Libreboot replaces the boot firmware
+with fully free code, but even with libreboot, there may still be other
+hardware components in the system (e.g. laptop) that run their own
+dedicated firmware, sometimes proprietary. These are on secondary
+processors, where the firmware is usually read-only, written for very
+specific tasks. While these are unrelated to libreboot, technically
+speaking, it makes sense to document some of the issues here.
+Note that these issues are not unique to libreboot systems. They apply
+universally, to most systems. The issues described below are the most
+common (or otherwise critical).
+Dealing with these problems will most likely be handled by a separate
+### EC (embedded controller) firmware
+Most (all?) laptops have this. The EC (embedded controller) is a small,
+separate processor that basically processes inputs/outputs that are
+specific to laptops. For example:
+- When you flick the radio on/off switch, the EC will enable/disable
+ the wireless devices (wifi, bluetooth, etc) and enable/disable an
+ LED that indicates whether it's turned on or not
+- Listen to another chip that produces temperature readings, adjusting
+ fan speeds accordingly (or turning the fan(s) on/off).
+- Takes certain inputs from the keyboard, e.g. brightness up/down,
+ volume up/down.
+- Detect when the lid is closed or opened, and send a signal
+ indicating this.
+- Etc.
+Alexander Couzens from coreboot (lynxis on coreboot IRC) is working on a
+free EC firmware replacement for the ThinkPads that are supported in
+libreboot. See: <https://github.com/lynxis/h8s-ec> (not ready yet).
+Most (all?) chromebooks have free EC firmware. Libreboot is currently
+looking into supporting a few ARM-based chromebooks.
+EC is only present on laptops. On desktop/server boards it is absent
+(not required).
+### HDD/SSD firmware
+HDDs and SSDs have firmware in them, intended to handle the internal
+workings of the device while exposing a simple, standard interface (such
+as AHCI/SATA) that the OS software can use, generically. This firmware
+is transparent to the user of the drive.
+HDDs and SSDs are quite complex, and these days contain quite complex
+hardware which is even capable of running an entire operating system (by
+this, we mean that the drive itself is capable of running its own
+embedded OS), even GNU+Linux or BusyBox/Linux.
+SSDs and HDDs are a special case, since they are persistent storage
+devices as well as computers.
+Example attack that malicious firmware could do: substitute your SSH
+keys, allowing unauthorized remote access by an unknown adversary. Or
+maybe substitute your GPG keys. SATA drives can also have DMA (through
+the controller), which means that they could read from system memory;
+the drive can have its own hidden storage, theoretically, where it could
+read your LUKS keys and store them unencrypted for future retrieval by
+an adversary.
+With proper IOMMU and use of USB instead of SATA, it might be possible
+to mitigate any DMA-related issues that could arise.
+Some proof of concepts have been demonstrated. For HDDs:
+<https://spritesmods.com/?art=hddhack&page=1> For SSDs:
+Viable free replacement firmware is currently unknown to exist. For
+SSDs, the
+project may be interesting.
+Apparently, SATA drives themselves don't have DMA but can make use of
+it through the controller. This
+(pages 388-414, 420-421, 427, 446-465, 492-522, 631-638) and this
+(pages 59, 67, 94, 99).
+The following is based on discussion with Peter Stuge (CareBear\\) in
+the coreboot IRC channel on Friday, 18 September 2015, when
+investigating whether the SATA drive itself can make use of DMA. The
+following is based on the datasheets linked above:
+According to those linked documents, FIS type 39h is *"DMA Activate FIS
+- Device to Host"*. It mentions *"transfer of data from the host to
+the device, and goes on to say: Upon receiving a DMA Activate, if the
+host adapter's DMA controller has been programmed and armed, the host
+adapter shall initiate the transmission of a Data FIS and shall transmit
+in this FIS the data corresponding to the host memory regions indicated
+by the DMA controller's context."* FIS is a protocol unit (Frame
+Information Structure). Based on this, it seems that a drive can tell
+the host controller that it would like for DMA to happen, but unless the
+host software has already or will in the future set up this DMA transfer
+then nothing happens. **A drive can also send DMA Setup**. If a DMA
+Setup FIS is sent first, with the Auto-Activate bit set, then it is
+already set up, and the drive can initiate DMA. The document goes on to
+say *"Upon receiving a DMA Setup, the receiver of the FIS shall
+validate the received DMA Setup request."* - in other words, the host
+is supposed to validate; but maybe there's a bug there. The document
+goes on to say *"The specific implementation of the buffer identifier
+and buffer/address validation is not specified"* - so noone will
+actually bother. *"the receiver of the FIS"* - in the case we're
+considering, that's the host controller hardware in the chipset and/or
+the kernel driver (most likely the kernel driver). All SATA devices have
+flash-upgradeable firmware, which can usually be updated by running
+software in your operating system; **malicious software running as root
+could update this firmware, or the firmware could already be
+malicious**. Your HDD or SSD is the perfect place for a malicious
+adversary to install malware, because it's a persistent storage device
+as well as a computer.
+Based on this, it's safe to say that use of USB instead of SATA is
+advisable if security is a concern. USB 2.0 has plenty of bandwidth for
+many HDDs (a few high-end ones can use more bandwidth than USB 2.0 is
+capable of), but for SSDs it might be problematic (unless you're using
+USB 3.0, which is not yet usable in freedom. See
+Use of USB is also not an absolute guarantee of safety, so do beware.
+The attack surface becomes much smaller, but a malicious drive could
+still attempt a "fuzzing" attack (e.g. sending malformed USB
+descriptors, which is how the tyrant DRM on the Playstation 3 was
+broken, so that users could run their own operating system and run
+unsigned code). (you're probably safe, unless there's a security flaw
+in the USB library/driver that your OS uses. USB is generally considered
+one of the safest protocols, precisely because USB devices have no DMA)
+Other links:
+- <http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-nsas-undetectable-hard-drive-hack-was-first-demonstrated-a-year-ago>
+It is recommended that you use full disk encryption, on HDDs connected
+via USB. There are several adapters available online, that allow you to
+connect SATA HDDs via USB. Libreboot documents how to install several
+distributions with full disk encryption. You can adapt these for use
+with USB drives:
+- [Full disk encryption with
+ Debian](../docs/gnulinux/encrypted_debian.html)
+- [Full disk encryption with
+ Parabola](../docs/gnulinux/encrypted_parabola.html)
+The current theory (unproven) is that this will at least prevent
+malicious drives from wrongly manipulating data being read from or
+written to the drive, since it can't access your LUKS key if it's only
+ever in RAM, provided that the HDD doesn't have DMA (USB devices don't
+have DMA). The worst that it could do in this case is destroy your data.
+Of course, you should make sure never to put any keyfiles in the LUKS
+header. **Take what this paragraph says with a pinch of salt. This is
+still under discussion, and none of this is proven.**
+### NIC (ethernet controller)
+Ethernet NICs will typically run firmware inside, which is responsible
+for initializing the device internally. Theoretically, it could be
+configured to drop packets, or even modify them.
+With proper IOMMU, it might be possible to mitigate the DMA-related
+issues. A USB NIC can also be used, which does not have DMA.
+### CPU microcode
+Implements an instruction set. See
+description. Here we mean microcode built in to the CPU. We are not
+talking about the updates supplied by the boot firmware (libreboot does
+not include microcode updates, and only supports systems that will work
+without it) Microcode can be very powerful. No proof that it's
+malicious, but it could theoretically
+There isn't really a way to solve this, unless you use a CPU which does
+not have microcode. (ARM CPUs don't, but most ARM systems require blobs
+for the graphics hardware at present, and typically have other things
+like soldered wifi which might require blobs)
+CPUs often on modern systems have a processor inside it for things like
+power management. ARM for example, has lots of these.
+### Sound card
+Sound hardware (integrated or discrete) typically has firmware on it
+(DSP) for processing input/output. Again, a USB DAC is a good
+### Webcam
+Webcams have firmware integrated into them that process the image input
+into the camera; adjusting focus, white balancing and so on. Can use USB
+webcam hardware, to work around potential DMA issues; integrated webcams
+(on laptops, for instance) are discouraged by the libreboot project.
+### USB host controller
+Doesn't really apply to current libreboot systems (none of them have
+USB 3.0 at the moment), but USB 3.0 host controllers typically rely on
+firmware to implement the XHCI specification. Some newer coreboot ports
+also require this blob, if you want to use USB 3.0.
+This doesn't affect libreboot at the moment, because all current
+systems that are supported only have older versions of USB available.
+USB devices also don't have DMA (but the USB host controller itself
+With proper IOMMU, it might be possible to mitigate the DMA-related
+issues (with the host controller).
+### WWAN firmware
+Some laptops might have a simcard reader in them, with a card for
+handling WWAN, connecting to a 3g/4g (e.g. GSM) network. This is the
+same technology used in mobile phones, for remote network access (e.g.
+NOTE: not to be confused with wifi. Wifi is a different technology, and
+entirely unrelated.
+The baseband processor inside the WWAN chip will have its own embedded
+operating system, most likely proprietary. Use of this technology also
+implies the same privacy issues as with mobile phones (remote tracking
+by the GSM network, by triangulating the signal).
+On some laptops, these cards use USB (internally), so won't have DMA,
+but it's still a massive freedom and privacy issue. If you have an
+internal WWAN chip/card, the libreboot project recommends that you
+disable and (ideally, if possible) physically remove the hardware. If
+you absolutely must use this technology, an external USB dongle is much
+better because it can be easily removed when you don't need it, thereby
+disabling any external entities from tracking your location.
+Use of ethernet or wifi is recommended, as opposed to mobile networks,
+as these are generally much safer.
+On all current libreboot laptops, it is possible to remove the WWAN card
+and sim card if it exists. The WWAN card is next to the wifi card, and
+the sim card (if installed) will be in a slot underneath the battery, or
+next to the RAM.
+Operating Systems
+Can I use GNU+Linux?
+Absolutely! It is well-tested in libreboot, and highly recommended. See
+[installing GNU+Linux](../docs/gnulinux/grub_boot_installer.html) and
+[booting GNU+Linux](../docs/gnulinux/grub_cbfs.html).
+Any recent distribution should work, as long as it uses KMS (kernel mode
+setting) for the graphics.
+We maintain a [list of distributions that we recommend to the
+Can I use BSD?
+For the most part, BSD systems remain untested in libreboot. BSD systems
+contain binary blobs (non-free firmware and applications), so do beware.
+**We need proper documentation for BSD in libreboot. Documentation is in
+the git repository. [This page](git.md) shows how to send patches to
+the libreboot project.**
+[This reddit
+has some basic information.
+OpenBSD 5.9 or higher is believed to be compatible with video in X11
+(libertyBSD 5.9 or higher is also compatible). See
+Another user also reported success with OpenBSD:
+<http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=147492752806764&w=2>. **NOTE:
+[Libreboot has openbsd instructions now!](../docs/bsd/openbsd.html).
+Thanks go to Scott Bonds who submitted the initial documentation for it.
+TODO: Test LibertyBSD (deblobbed OpenBSD version) and make that the main
+recommended version of OpenBSD in the guide.**
+FreeBSD is believed to be compatible (text mode). We don't know if it
+can work with a framebuffer, although at least one user did report that
+FreeBSD supports kernel mode setting, so it might be possible. This
+individual was able to boot FreeBSD in text mode, using libreboot
+20160818: see
+At least one user reported to us that NetBSD should work in libreboot
+out of the box.
+We would like to merge instructions for installing and booting BSD on
+libreboot systems. [Patches are welcome!](https://libreboot.org/git/)
+Can I use Windows?
+Windows is incompatible with libreboot, and will probably remain so. You
+should not use Windows, because it is non-free and therefore bad for
+freedom. It is also known to have several severe security and privacy
+issues, both intentional and unintentional. It is known to contact
+backdoors, in addition to other nasty anti-features like DRM.
+Windows incompatibility is a feature, not a bug.
+Incompatible Time Sharing System?
+jxself asked this in the IRC channel. As far as we know, this won't
+work in libreboot systems, or indeed any modern system.
+Are other operating systems compatible?
+Unknown. Probably not.
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+title: Contributing
+x-toc-enable: true
+Useful information, related to libreboot development, including links to
+the Git repositories where development is done. Development discussion
+is done on IRC and on the libreboot
+How can I help the libreboot project?
+**At any given time, here is a list of tasks if there are any, for the
+next stable release of libreboot: [click here](tasks.md)** - this is
+also where to send bug reports.
+There are many ways that you can assist the libreboot project. We have a
+[list of tasks that need to be completed](tasks.md), which you can work
+on (you can also add to that list). Generally speaking, adding support
+for more hardware is a priority for the libreboot project. Information
+about building libreboot can be found at [here](docs/git/).
+We especially need more skilled coreboot hackers to do work that will
+benefit the libreboot project. This includes porting new boards to
+coreboot, which are likely to be valid candidates for libreboot.
+Learn libreboot from the inside out; download the git repository, and
+study libreboot. We need more full-time developers who can help to
+maintain the project.
+Not a developer? You can still help!
+- Work towards convincing hardware manufacturers and designers to
+ start caring about free software. Perhaps even build your own
+ hardware.
+- Spread the word about libreboot! Tell your friends about it, and
+ talk about it on public internet-based discussion networks (e.g.
+ *social networks*).
+- Install and use libreboot yourself, showing it to others and
+ promoting it that way. [Computers with libreboot preinstalled are
+ also available](suppliers.md), which helps to fund the libreboot
+ project.
+- Help others to install libreboot. For example, organize an
+ installation workshop at your local hackerspace.
+- Assist with improving the libreboot documentation, so that others
+ may find it easier to use.
+General guidelines for submitting patches
+Some people put their name on their work, for recognition, and it's OK
+if you want to do that; however, the libreboot project does not require
+this. Some projects (such as coreboot) require a legal name, and this
+can be problematic for certain groups of people.
+Using your legal name is **not** required when submitting patches to
+libreboot. For reasons why we have this policy, read [this
+You can use any name of your choosing, or your company name (if you have
+one), if you want or need to do that. You can also submit patches
+*without a name*, if you want or need to do that (instructions are
+provided on this page). Also, read [this
+Unfortunately, git appears to be stuck with these problems, when an
+author changes their name, and we don't have a concrete answer to it.
+As far as we know, publishing your legal name isn't even required for
+copyright purposes; in fact, "pen" names are commonly used by literary
+authors (computer programs are literary works).
+When submitting any kind of documentation, try not to use the terms
+him/her, she/he, his/her, or anything that is gender biased. **Use
+their, they, them, those people, that person, and so on.** [You are
+making a huge
+<https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html> (we will reject any
+documentation released under the GNU Free Documentation License, for
+reasons mentioned in [../why-not-gnu/](why-not-gnu.md)). NOTE: not
+putting a copyright notice on a work does not mean it lacks copyright.
+Copyright is *automatic* in most countries. Not putting a license on a
+work also does not make that work *free*; you have to declare a free
+license, otherwise the default, restrictive copyright laws apply for
+those who wish to do anything with your work. Always put a license on
+your work!
+Libreboot development is facilitated by *[git](https://git-scm.com/)*, a
+*distributed* version control system. You will need to install git (most
+distributions package it in their repositories).
+Use this command, to download the repository: **git clone https://notabug.org/vimuser/libreboot**.
+A new directory named ***libreboot*** will have been created, containing
+How to submit your patches
+### Method 0: Use NotABug pull requests
+NotABug, libreboot's main git hosting provider, now provides a *pull
+requests* feature. <https://notabug.org/vimuser/> has the libreboot and
+libreboot-website repositories. Create an account on the website, then
+view the libreboot or libreboot-website repo and click "fork" and
+clone your fork. Then commit your patch on top, and push into your
+repository (we recommend into a non-master branch). NotABug guides you
+through the process of pushing patches to it.
+Once you have pushed your patches, go to the relevant repository on
+<https://notabug.org/vimuser/> and click "Pull Requests". Then click
+"New Pull Request". Select the relevant branches that you want to
+submit a pull request for, between the two repositories, and then click
+When this is done, Leah Rowe (maintainer of the main repository) or
+someone else (with push access) will review your patch, and decide
+whether to merge it. Relevant links to bug trackers for discussing
+development (especially patch review) are on [../tasks/](tasks.md)
+### Method 1: Host a fork
+Give the checkout details to [Leah Rowe](contrib.md), along with
+information on which commits in what branch contain your changes.
+**Check [\#githosting](#githosting), for a list of Git hosting providers
+that we recommend.**
+List of recommended Git hosting providers
+There are several that we could recommend:
+- [You!](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-on-the-Server-The-Protocols)
+ (host your own Git repository, on your own server, on your own
+ internet connection, in your own physical space)
+- [NotABug.org](https://notabug.org/) - the
+ [source](https://notabug.org/hp/gogs/) is also available if you want to run
+ it on your own server.
+The libreboot project itself uses all of the above options.
+Most Git hosting providers distribute non-free JavaScript on their
+website, but as far as we are aware all of these providers are
+freedom-friendly and reliable to use (and their JavaScript is free).
+This list will be expanded upon at a later date. The hosting providers
+above are all powered by Free Software, which means that you can also
+host your own version of the software that they use on their website.
+We generally recommend self-hosting (first option in the list above).
+Git is a *decentralized* (distributed) version control system. However,
+not everyone can afford to do this, so using one of the other providers
+on the list above is also acceptable.
+We do not endorse [GitHub](github.md) or [GitLab](gitlab.md).
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+++ b/www/github.md
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+title: Github
+Please do not use GitHub to host libreboot. Libreboot is a free software
+project, so this is only a request, and not a restriction on the
+[Back to the Git page](git.md)
+What's wrong with GitHub?
+- GitHub itself is proprietary software (for
+ [business](http://tom.preston-werner.com/2011/11/22/open-source-everything.html))
+- GitHub serves non-free JavaScript code to its users
+- Tim (GitHub CEO) really likes to talk about freedom, but makes the
+ following claims about the GPLv2/3:
+> ...The GPL is not focused on freedom. It's too long. Too many
+> restrictions. -- Tom Preston-Werner OSCON2013
+or how about:
+> Notice that everything we keep closed has specific business value that
+> could be compromised by giving it away to our competitors. -- source:
+> Tom Preston-Werner's
+> [blog](http://tom.preston-werner.com/2011/11/22/open-source-everything.html)
+GitHub simply uses Free Software for its own benefit, releasing source
+code under a free license only when suited to it's business goals; they
+are quite happy to violate the rights of their users, for profit.
+By contrast, the libreboot project adheres strictly to the goals of the
+Free Software movement, which seeks to eliminate proprietary software to
+the point where all software is free.
+The opinions expressed by Tom Preston-Werner of GitHub are incompatible
+with those of the libreboot project. Users and developers of *[free
+software](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software)* are strongly
+advised not to use GitHub, for any of their projects.
+Where should I host and share my code?
+[Read this section on the libreboot website](../git/#githosting) for a
+list of recommended Git hosting providers.
+### References:
+*Open Source (Almost)* -
+\[[2](https://github.com/github/choosealicense.com/pull/177)\] *Choose A
+License GPL patch* -
+*linux-libre choosealicense issue* -
diff --git a/www/gitlab.md b/www/gitlab.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5454adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/gitlab.md
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+title: Gitlab
+Please do not use GitLab to host libreboot. Libreboot is a free software
+project, so this is only a request, and not a restriction on the
+[Back to the Git page](git.md)
+What's wrong with GitLab?
+- GitLab itself is proprietary software. There is a *community
+ edition* but this is only used as a source of cheap labour for
+ GitLab to prop up its proprietary version, which it sells for
+ profit. In fact, the [Enterprise Edition used to be Free software,
+ until early
+ 2014](https://web.archive.org/web/20141215225437/https://about.gitlab.com/2014/02/11/gitlab-ee-license-change/).
+ What else will they make proprietary? Perhaps one day they will drop
+ the community edition?
+- GitLab requires a
+ [CLA](https://web.archive.org/web/20150405153359/https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/commits/master/doc/legal/individual_contributor_license_agreement.md)
+ for all contributions to the community edition.
+ What this means is that they want you to use their permissive
+ (non-copyleft) license, so that they can make your work proprietary
+ as part of the enterprise edition.
+- The GitLab CEO (Sytse Sijbrandij) really likes to talk about
+ freedom, but in reality that person's opinion is the same as the
+ [GitHub](github.md) CEO.
+- Monopolistic practises. For instance, GitLab bought
+ [Gitorious](https://web.archive.org/web/20150905091808/https://about.gitlab.com/2015/03/03/gitlab-acquires-gitorious/)
+ just to asset strip it. Gitorious was the go-to Git hosting provider for
+ Free Software developers, and Gitorious was released under AGPLv3 which
+ meant that it truly safeguarded user freedom. GitLab killed it.
+GitLab simply uses Free Software for its own benefit, releasing source code
+under a free license only when suited to its business goals; they are quite
+happy to violate the rights of their users, for profit.
+By contrast, the libreboot project adheres strictly to the goals of the Free
+Software movement, which seeks to eliminate proprietary software to the point
+where all software is free.
+The opinions expressed by the CEO of GitLab (not to mention, the actions of
+GitLab BV) are incompatible with those of the libreboot project. Users and
+developers of *[free software](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software)*
+are strongly advised not to use GitLab, for any of their projects.
+Where should I host and share my code?
+[Read this section on the libreboot website](../git/#githosting) for a list of
+recommended Git hosting providers.
diff --git a/www/global.css b/www/global.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91547655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/global.css
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+html {
+ background-color: #eee;
+body {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ max-width: 60em;
+ padding: 0.2em 1em;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 6px;
+body {
+ line-height: 1.6;
+ font-family: Cantarell, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ color: #222;
+h1 {
+ font-size: 2.0em;
+ text-align: center;
+#logo {
+ width: 25%;
+ float: right;
+a {
+ text-decoration: none;
+ color: #22D;
+a:hover {
+ color: #008;
diff --git a/www/gnu.md b/www/gnu.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb5b9ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/gnu.md
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+title: Libreboot left the GNU project on 15 September 2016
+A [transgender](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender) employee at the FSF
+was being bullied by another transphobic employee. When the transgender
+employee filed a complaint, they were fired because the complaint was seen as
+It didn't seem to even matter to them that the individual in question was a
+hard worker at - and a huge supporter of - the organisation for many years.
+There are transgender libreboot developers who denounce this discrimination as
+disgusting. As such, libreboot left GNU (funded by the FSF) in protest.
+The FSF lied in response to allegations
+The FSF issued this [public
+denying all allegations and wishing their former employee well. This is to be
+expected to save face -- regardless of the truth.
+Statement from another former FSF employee
+**This is not the trans person that was fired, but left the FSF shortly
+before the event occured. There were closely involved with other staff
+members at the FSF and witnessed what was going on**
+This is based on private IRC conversations with them, during the
+The individual, who also left the FSF, said it's unsettling that this
+was permitted to go on, having been aware of the disputes between the
+fired trans person and Stephen Mahood, the transphobic bully. They
+agreed with Leah that Stephen is transphobic, and had been aware of
+Stephen bullying the fired trans person after discovering (somehow) that
+they were trans. Types of abuses included humiliating the trans person
+during work hours, consorting with other employees to try and find their
+old name, misgendering them, saying bad things about them to management,
+etc, until they were fired. He said: In most organisations, there are
+ways to mediate disputes. At the FSF, there is no middle management, no
+HR and the board of directors more or less only communicates with the
+executive director. Individual staff members are never consulted about
+anything. There is little or no oversight of employee morale by the
+board of directors; instead, employees are left on their own to manage
+everything. The fight between Stephen and the trans person who was fired
+had been going on for a long time, before John Sullivan finally looked
+into it, months too late. This sort of mismanagement is unacceptable at
+an organisation like the FSF. In most organisations, there are ways to
+handle situations like this and prevent them from happening. Stephen is
+toxic to the FSF and extremely negative. **Why doesn't the FSF keep a
+closer eye on its own internal affairs, especially relations between
+staff members? Why does the FSF not have a department for managing
+The trans person who was fired had also found an old HR record from the
+FSF, regarding another transgender person who was *not hired* at the
+FSF, because according to the FSF, they *looked weird* in their job
+interview. This must have been someone who was early in their transition
+and therefore didn't pass well in their desired gender role.
+Transphobic and sexist discrimination at the FSF is rampant, and has
+existed long before Stephen Mahood, John Sullivan and Ruben Rodriguez
+joined the organisations; in other words, those three people are merely as bad
+as those who came before them, in this regard. The FSF has long had issues
+internally with equality issues, regardless of safe space policies that they
+have at their conferences.
+The FSF needs better policies for its staff, to prevent situations like this in
+the future, and that needs to be something that is discussed by the board of
+directors. It is completely unacceptable that situations like this are
+permitted to occur, even more so that policies in place to protect transgender
+people are not enforced within the organisation.
+Refusal to let go
+In the worst act of insult and contempt possible, the GNU project wrongly made
+the claim that Leah Rowe herself had now forked GNU Libreboot, and that
+libreboot was still a GNU project. They wrongly claimed that Leah had merely
+*stepped down as GNU Libreboot maintainer*.
+This is false. Leah is still Libreboot's maintainer, and still does
+most of the work, including on managing the project and handling
+releases. The GNU project decided to insult her by claiming otherwise,
+that somehow the GNU project had a moral right to keep libreboot under
+its umbrella.
+The discussion happened on the gnu-prog-discuss mailing list, which is
+not open to the public (authentication is required to view the archives
+online). We therefore make the discussion available for people to see.
+Leah Rowe sent this message to the GNU Prog mailing list, asking for the
+mailing lists to be deactivated because libreboot was setting up its own
+mailing lists instead. It also generally asks GNU to formally drop
+libreboot from its umbrella:
+ Please delete my "lr" account on the GNU Savannah website. I do not want
+ this account anymore.
+ Please keep the mailing list archives for libreboot@gnu.org and
+ libreboot-dev@gnu.org - but disable people from registering on the
+ mailing list, and disable any new posts from being sent to the mailing
+ list. I want the archives of the mailing lists kept for historical
+ purposes, because there's a lot of technical discussion and history in
+ there, and I want this preserved for the time being.
+ I'm currently working on setting up my own server, as and when I can, to
+ self-host a mailing list directly on libreboot.org infrastructure, which
+ is under my own control and expense.
+ Once I have this fully setup, what I would like is for a 301 redirect on
+ the HTTP HTML archive pages to redirect to the new one that I create,
+ once it's online, and, further, for an email forwarder on libreboot& and
+ libreboot-dev& to redirect to the new mailing list. However, I have not
+ yet set up the new lists so such a redirect at the moment would not make
+ much sense. I'll contact the FSF and GNU project at a later date once
+ I'm ready for this redirect to exist.
+ Further, if possible, can someone send me a dump of all data and
+ configuration for the libreboot& and libreboot-dev& lists? This will
+ make it easier for me to simply import everything into the new list,
+ including subscriptions and so on (otherwise, I have a list of all
+ currently registered members on the list, saved locally).
+ Please note that I do not resent the GNU project, just certain people at
+ the FSF. Those people have huge influence there and since the FSF funds
+ GNU.... https://libreboot.org/gnu/ explains why libreboot has left GNU.
+ The requests above are part of libreboot's departure from GNU.
+ I also ask that libreboot be removed from gnu.org/software/, and for the
+ libreboot page on the FSF free software directory to no longer say that
+ libreboot is a GNU project.
+ I further request that the GNU project does not fork libreboot, nor
+ accept any forks of libreboot into GNU, as this would be an even bigger
+ insult on top of the existing one where the FSF lied publicly in
+ response to libreboot.org/gnu
+Several GNU maintainers then replied on the list, claiming that libreboot was
+still a GNU project and that Leah had merely *stepped down as maintainer* and
+that they would appoint a new maintainer for GNU Libreboot. They further
+insulted the libreboot project by stating that RMS has the ultimate say, and
+that Leah had *forked her own project*. This is false.
+They even asked Leah to stay on as Libreboot maintainer, and they asked
+Leah to keep Libreboot inside the GNU project!
+Here are some of GNU's responses, starting with Thien-Thi Nguyen
+ Under this pov, injustice is destined. The Libreboot project,
+ once placed under the aegis of GNU, cannot be removed.
+ You are free to step down as its maintainer, however. I think
+ that would be an injustice against you, mostly. I understand
+ it's difficult to hold on to the root and let go of the rancor
+ (from personal experience), and sometimes it's all or nothing.
+ If you stay, perhaps you could find a co-maintainer. If you
+ were to choose me (for example), you would find a lot more to
+ complain about on those mailing lists -- no need to upscope to
+ GNU and gnu-prog-discuss. It could be fun, perhaps.
+ BTW, i like the domain name -- reminds me of glug.org of yore.
+Alfred M. Szmidt <ams@gnu.org> said this:
+ That is not for you to decide, but for the Saint IGNUcius to decide.
+ You are free to step down as maintainer for GNU Libreboot, but we are
+ free to appoint a new maintainer for GNU Libreboot to take over the
+ task.
+Gavin Smith <gavinsmith0123@gmail.com>
+ AFAIK libreboot is itself a fork of another project called coreboot.
+ In my opinion, it would be perfectly valid for the GNU project to
+ continue to sponsor a project that did what libreboot did and was
+ based on the source code of libreboot and/or coreboot.
+ I see no reason (moral, legal or otherwise) why the libreboot name
+ could not continue to be used. It's not a trademark, and using that
+ name wouldn't misrepresent who the people who created it were. (To
+ take a contrary example, if someone forked "GNU Emacs", they shouldn't
+ call it "GNU Emacs Plus" because that would imply it originated from
+ GNU. If libreboot were called LeahRoweBoot, a similar argument might
+ apply.)
+John Darrington <john@darrington.wattle.id.au> said this:
+ I think you hve misunderstood the relationship between GNU and its sub-projects.
+ If you wish to step down as the maintainer of libreboot you should send a mail
+ to maintainers@gnu.org and ask to be de-listed.
+ If that is what you decide to do, typically GNU would look for a new maintainer
+ to take your place.
+ If you do decide to step down, AND you continue to work on the project outside
+ of GNU. Then YOU will have forked libreboot - not GNU.
+ I'm not sure about deleting accounts on savannah, you would need to contact
+ the savannah hackers about this.
+ Personally I hope you will decide to stay as libreboot's maintainer. You have done
+ a good job.
+ I have also had greivances against people in GNU/FSF but if I walked away
+ whenever that happens, I would be a very lonely person.
+This next one says "her" referring to Leah -- it is unclear if this questions
+authority or gender. Simon Sobisch <simonsobisch@web.de> writes:
+ I'm perfectly fine with Leah forking "her" original project after
+ stepping down as a GNU maintainer. Time will show if the fork is more
+ active as the GNU project.
+ Whoever takes the burden as a new maintainer: best wishes to you and
+ also best wishes to Lea.
+ I still hope to be able to get a libre laptop for coding GnuCOBOL
+ someday (I know of the options existing it is just a cash issue) and am
+ fine which whatever libre bios/firmware will be used for producing it then.
+ @Leah: Thank you for the work you've already done to make this goal more
+ likely.
+David Kastrup <dak@gnu.org> writes:
+ If you were actually speaking for the project, it would be completely
+ irrelevant. It would only have an actual effect on active developers
+ preferring to work with GNU rather than you, given the choice.
+ I don't know the project well enough to evaluate your claims about it.
+ But if your claims are correct, nothing the FSF or GNU project may
+ choose to do will affect your work and version in any manner.
+ So what's with all that rage?
+nysan <bernd.paysan@gmx.de> writes:
+ Am Samstag, 24. September 2016, 13:09:36 CEST schrieb David Kastrup:
+ > So? I have no moral problems applying the laws of gravity in spite of
+ > Newton not likely sharing my political persuasions. Of course you are
+ > free to release future versions of your code base, assuming that you can
+ > assert the agreement of all other contributors, under licensing terms
+ > incompatible with the GNU project.
+ Unlikely, as libreboot is a fork of coreboot, and Leah does not have ownership
+ of that. Coreboot is GPL, and despite they don't mind binary blobs (which are
+ distributed in a separate tarball) and claim their project is "Open Source"
+ (where RMS would suggest to rather not use this term), it's already compatible
+ with the GNU project with the exception of the binary blobs. And the mission
+ of libreboot is to remove (done) and replace (work in progress) these binary
+ blobs. Coreboot also takes back from libreboot.
+After 4 months, RMS finally
+our decision and formally announced that libreboot is no longer a GNU project
+- Boycott FSF conferences. Do not show up to their conferences.
+- Boycott the FSF. Stop promoting them, stop donating to them.
+- Spread the word about this injustice
+- Other GNU projects should also leave GNU
+Libreboot has left the GNU project, and will probably never re-join. We will
+consider whether to re-open communications with the FSF, if and when the
+organisation resolves this blatant corruption. She will no longer be donating
+to the FSF; Leah had donated \$6120 USD to the organisation since 2015, before
+making this announcement.
+Lessons Learned
+### You lose control over your project
+Libreboot [witnessed this](gnu-insult.md) when it left GNU. The GNU
+project resisted it. Had libreboot stayed and integrated with GNU even
+more, then it would have been very difficult to leave. Thankfully, the
+GNU project did not yet have much influence over libreboot, and most of
+the infrastructure for it was still on libreboot.org, outside of the
+control of the GNU project. The only GNU infrastructure used were
+mailing lists, which are easy to replace.
+GNU can appoint new maintainers for any program that is part of it, even
+against your will. If you disagree with GNU practises and want to do
+things different, there's the possibility that you can simply be
+removed and replaced as maintainer of your project, even if you are the
+founder and main developer.
+RMS will take credit for your work, on behalf of the GNU project, and
+will try to assert authority by asking for features which you may not
+want to implement. RMS will further attempt to dictate how and when
+releases should occur.
+If the GNU project or FSF does something which you disagree with, and
+you want to withdraw your project, they will try to claim that the
+project is theirs, and that you are now forking your own project.
+**There are no formal procedures for a project to leave GNU, if a
+project chooses this path. By joining GNU, you are relinquishing \*all\*
+control over your project.** - The only reason Libreboot successfully
+left GNU was because we got out before it was too late.
+The GNU project is undemocratic. Individual projects have very little say over
+it, and the FSF is very much the same. All you are doing by putting your
+program in GNU, is to help the organisation grow.
+### GNU Non-free Documentation License
+The GNU Free Documentation License is the main license recommended for
+documentation by the GNU project. This license is non-free, because it
+allows for so-called *invariant* sections to be added to your
+documentation which cannot be modified or deleted without express
+permission from the copyright holder of that invariant section.
+The GNU project mandates that all projects joining it must use this
+license. The Libreboot project recommends avoiding this license at all
+costs, and has since switched back to Creative Commons for all
+### The FSF and GNU project is a cult
+There is a huge cult of personality around Richard Stallman, which you
+may or may not want your project to be associated with.
+Many FSF followers are fanatical, to the point of extremism. Your project will
+become associated with all of this, even if you personally do not agree with Richard
+Leah Rowe is not a hero
+This is a personal statement from Leah Rowe. Leaving GNU was the correct
+decision. The Free Software Foundation really did fire a trans person
+for discriminatory reasons, and they really are guilty here. They do not
+deserve libreboot to be a member of their community, and the FSF
+deserves every bit of negative publicity and public shaming that they
+received. However, there is something that I need to publicly confess to
+the community, because my own conscience is not clean at all in any of
+I accidentally made several mistakes which ended up outing the trans
+person that was fired. This person was *stealth*, which meant that they
+did not want to be outed. I have potentially cost them opportunities for
+a new job, in the process of exposing what the FSF did.
+For this, I'm deeply sorry. I screwed up, big time, and I don't
+deserve to be praised as much as I was, even if I otherwise did the
+right thing in exposing the Free Software Foundation for their
+corruption of social justice.
+I lost 2 friends, when I made this announcement. And I deserved to lose
+them. One of them was the person who was fired, and the other was
+friends with both me and that person. *These people were the 2 people
+who I first came out as transgender to, before anyone else, and they
+helped me a lot during my early transition, when I was unstable.* The
+trans person who was fired, I had already lost as a friend, and was
+deeply upset at the time. I had started to say nasty things to this
+person, over a disagreement, which was also my fault. I thought that
+exposing the FSF for their discriminatory practises would redeem me and
+possibly make that person be my friend again. Basically, I was trying to
+be supportive, but I ended up making things potentially much worse for
+that person in the process. I'm not a hero at all. I apologise to all
+of those in the community who congratulated for my "courage" after the
+announcement, because the truth is that I'm a coward. I was hiding
+behind a wall of false heroism. I'm actually a terrible person, and I
+did something terrible.
+To my 2 friends (who I will not name), I apologise. You are both
+wonderful people, and I really hope you both thrive in life. You both
+deserve to be happy, and I wish you both well. I still regard both of
+you as friends, and still think fondly of both of you, even if I don't
+deserve either of you as friends.
+This is my only regret.
diff --git a/www/gpg.md b/www/gpg.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e4141a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/gpg.md
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+title: GPG
+ $ **gpg \--recv-keys**
+The GPG key can also be downloaded with this exported dump of the
+pubkey: [lbkey.asc](lbkey.asc).
+ $ **sha512sum -c sha512sum.txt**
+ $ **gpg \--verify sha512sum.txt.sig**
+Old GPG key (no longer used):
+ pub 4096R/656F212E 2014-07-04
+ Vingerafdruk van de sleutel = C923 4BA3 200C F688 9CC0 764D 6E97 D575 656F 212E
+ uid Libreboot Releases (signing key) <releases@libreboot.org>
+ sub 4096R/EC42160E 2014-07-04
diff --git a/www/images/soic16.jpg b/www/images/soic16.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2acb2b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/images/soic16.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/www/images/soic8.jpg b/www/images/soic8.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..658a6321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/images/soic8.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/www/index.md b/www/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8eaaf08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+title: Libreboot
+logo](logo/logo.svg "Canteloupe, the libreboot mascot"){#logo}](logo.md)
+[Downloads](download.md) --
+[Documentation](docs/) --
+[Donate](donate.md) --
+[Buy libreboot machines](suppliers.md) --
+[Report a bug](tasks.md) --
+[Submit a patch](git.md) --
+[Hardware Compatibility](docs/hcl/) --
+[Installation Guide](docs/install/) --
+Libreboot is a [free](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software) BIOS or UEFI
+replacement; libre *boot firmware* that initializes the hardware and starts a
+bootloader for your operating system. [Watch our FOSDEM 2017 presentation about Libreboot (speaker is Leah Rowe,
+libreboot's founder)](https://video.fosdem.org/2017/K.1.105/libreboot.mp4)
+Libreboot is a long-time member of the [Peers
+Community](https://peers.community/) project, an organisation that supports
+Free Software and provides infrastructure, e.g. [Git
+hosting](https://notabug.org/). **[Libreboot exited from GNU on 2016-09-15, in protest of transgender discrimination at the FSF](gnu.md)**
+**[We call on AMD to release source code and specs for the new AMD Ryzen
+Questions? [Read the FAQ](faq.md) or
+[join](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=libreboot) IRC for general
+support questions. You can also [contact the developers](contrib.md). [Sign up
+to our newsletter for release announcements!](announce.md). We also have a
+subreddit forum, for development discussion and user support:
+Why use libreboot?
+Many people use non-free proprietary boot firmware, even if they use [a
+free operating system](docs/distros/). Non-free BIOS/UEFI firmware often
+[contains](faq.md#intel) [backdoors](faq.md#amd), can be slow and have
+severe bugs, where you are left helpless at the mercy of the developers;
+*you have no freedom over your computing*. By contrast, libreboot is
+building a world where everyone can use, study, adapt and share
+software, with true control and ownership over their technology. **In
+other words, you should use Libreboot for your freedom's sake!**
+Libreboot is faster, more secure and more reliable than most non-free
+firmware, and can provide many advanced features (such as encrypted
+/boot/, GPG signature checking before booting your kernel, ability to
+load an OS *from the flash chip*, and more).
+Libreboot's main upstream providers are
+[coreboot](https://www.coreboot.org/) (which we deblob, for hardware
+initialization), [depthcharge](docs/depthcharge/) (bootloader, and
+default libreboot payload on ARM), and GRUB (bootloader, and default
+libreboot payload on x86). We also integrate
+[flashrom](https://www.flashrom.org/Flashrom) (for installing
+libreboot), and several of our own utilities, scripts and configuration
+files. All of this is integrated into a single, coherent package that is
+easy to use. We add our own patches to the various upstreams used, and
+where feasible try to merge upstream as much as possible.
+Libreboot provides a fully automated build system and installation
+process, with documentation written for non-technical users, in an
+attempt to make the software as easy to use as possible. ROM images are
+provided, along with utilities, all built from the publicly distributed
+source code.
diff --git a/www/lbkey.asc b/www/lbkey.asc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc21a099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/lbkey.asc
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Version: GnuPG v1
diff --git a/www/lists.md b/www/lists.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c86f53e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/lists.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+title: Archives of the old Libreboot mailing lists
+[Libreboot left the GNU project on 15 September 2016, in protest of
+discriminatory firing of a transgender person at the Free Software
+As part of this, we decided that it would be in the best interest of the
+libreboot project to no longer rely on any GNU infrastructure. We were
+initially contemplating hosting our own mailing lists, but then we
+realized that we could simply use the bug tracker on the
+[NotABug](https://notabug.org/vimuser/) page for the libreboot project.
+This uses NotABug's modified version of Gogs, which is a free
+[GitHub](github.md) replacement, and it also has pull requests. Bug
+reports and development discussions plus accepting patches is what we
+were using the old mailing lists for, but NotABug's bug tracker and
+pull request feature is far more efficient for this purpose.
+If you are interested in sending bug reports, see
+If you wish to submit patches to libreboot, see [../git/](git.md).
+Backup of old Libreboot mailing lists
+- [User mailing list
+ (HTML)](old/libreboot/html/lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreboot)
+- [User mailing list (mbox
+ format)](old/libreboot/mbox/lists.gnu.org/libreboot/)
+- [Developer mailing list
+ (HTML)](old/libreboot-dev/html/lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreboot-dev/)
+- [Developer mailing list (mbox
+ format)](old/libreboot-dev/mbox/lists.gnu.org/libreboot-dev/)
diff --git a/www/logo/libreboot.png b/www/logo/libreboot.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1146a9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/logo/libreboot.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/www/logo/license.txt b/www/logo/license.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd75defc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/logo/license.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright 2014 Marcus Moeller (license: CC-0)
+the stickers are made by Patrick McDermott in 2015, also CC-0
+A copy of this license can be found at:
+Font used is "lato". Install this, otherwise the vectors won't look correct.
diff --git a/www/logo/logo.png b/www/logo/logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2f9e66f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/logo/logo.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/www/logo/s.png b/www/logo/s.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5335f23c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/logo/s.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/www/logo/stickers/libreboot-inside-simple-bold-1.60cmx2.00cm-diecut-3.pdf b/www/logo/stickers/libreboot-inside-simple-bold-1.60cmx2.00cm-diecut-3.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..933348c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/logo/stickers/libreboot-inside-simple-bold-1.60cmx2.00cm-diecut-3.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/www/logo/stickers/libreboot-simple-bold-2.00x2.25-diecut.pdf b/www/logo/stickers/libreboot-simple-bold-2.00x2.25-diecut.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83792f27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/logo/stickers/libreboot-simple-bold-2.00x2.25-diecut.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/www/publish.sh b/www/publish.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..52a6ce7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/publish.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# get title block
+head -n 4 $FILE.md > temp.md
+# if not homepage, add a link back to the homepage
+if [ "${FILE}" != "index" ]; then
+ printf "[Go back to homepage](index.md)\n\n" >> temp.md
+#read rest of file
+tail -n +5 $FILE.md >> temp.md
+# change out .md -> .html
+sed temp.md -i -e 's/.md\(#[a-z\-]*\)*)/.html\1)/g'
+# work around issue #2872
+TOC=$(grep -q "^x-toc-enable: true$" temp.md && echo "--toc")
+# work around heterogenous pandoc versions
+SMART=$(pandoc -v | grep -q '2\.0' || echo "--smart")
+# chuck through pandoc
+pandoc --self-contained -f markdown $SMART -t html temp.md -s --css global.css --section-divs -T Libreboot $TOC > $FILE.html
diff --git a/www/robots.txt b/www/robots.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb053628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/robots.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+User-agent: *
diff --git a/www/rsync.md b/www/rsync.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..287f02c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/rsync.md
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+% Mirroring libreboot
+Create a directory in your web directory (e.g. libreboot/) and put one
+of these in your crontab:
+Libreboot project, UK (main rsync mirror)
+**rsync -avxP \--delete \--stats rsync.libreboot.org::mirrormirror
+University of Kent, UK (backup mirror)
+**rsync -avxP \--delete \--stats
+Princeton university, USA (backup mirror)
+**rsync -avxP \--delete \--stats
+linux.ro, Romania (backup mirror)
+**rsync -avxP \--delete \--stats rsync://ftp.linux.ro/libreboot/
+partyvan.eu, Sweden (backup mirror)
+**rsync -avxP \--delete \--stats
+mirror.si, Slovenia (backup mirror)
+**rsync -avxP \--delete \--stats rsync://libreboot.mirror.si/libreboot
+Are you running a mirror? Contact the libreboot project, and the link will be
+added to the [download](download.html) page.
+Libreboot includes statically linked executables. If you need the
+sources for those statically linked dependencies inside the executables,
+then you can contact the libreboot project using the details on the home
+page; source code will be provided. You can download this source code
+from [here](ccsource.md).
diff --git a/www/suppliers.md b/www/suppliers.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e47a5eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/suppliers.md
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+title: Ministry of Freedom (UK)
+[![Ministry of Freedom](https://minifree.org/minifree.png "Ministry of
+Freedom")](https://minifree.org/)Since 2013, the Ministry of Freedom (formerly
+Gluglug) sells systems with Libreboot and a fully free GNU+Linux distribution
+preinstalled. This company directly funds the Libreboot project. **This company
+ships worldwide, to all countries.**
+Products available
+### Laptops
+- [Libreboot X220 laptop](https://minifree.org/product/libreboot-x220/)
+### Desktops
+- [Libreboot D16 desktop](https://minifree.org/product/libreboot-d16/)
+### Servers
+- [Libreboot D16 server](https://minifree.org/product/libreboot-d16-server/)
+### Miscellaneous
+- [Libreboot X200
+ battery](https://minifree.org/product/libreboot-x200-battery/)
+- [Libreboot X200 docking
+ station](https://minifree.org/product/docking-station-for-libreboot-x200/)
+- [Libreboot installation
+ service](https://minifree.org/product/libreboot-installation-service/)
+- [Libreboot stickers](https://minifree.org/product/libreboot-stickers/)
+**[Visit the main site](https://minifree.org/)**
diff --git a/www/tasks.md b/www/tasks.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e05db815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/tasks.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+title: Bugs
+This page lists tasks for the next stable release of libreboot. [](../)
+Download the latest development tree from the [git repository](git.md)
+(page also contains instructions for sending patches)
+[Download untested releases](release/unstable.md) - volatile.
+[Download testing releases](release/testing.md) - beta, release
+Go to the libreboot development page for information about how to send
+your patches.
+How to send a bug report
+The bug tracker lists current tasks, with information on what is being
+done about them.
+People of interest {#tasks}
+avph is unresponsive and damo22 has quit the project, so now it falls on
+Leah to montor their upstream patches, for integration in libreboot:\
+[damo22 open
+[damo22 merged
+[avph open
+[avph merged