From dcc12e0de6021fbdf653a60394b85755977574d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Francis Rowe
- More info will be added later. + More info will be added later, including build/installation instructions. + The board is supported in libreboot, however, and has been confirmed to work.
@@ -44,12 +45,48 @@
It's next to the flash chip. Unscrew it, and the flash chip is read-write. Screw it back in, and the flash chip is read-only. It's called the screw.
+ It's merely a coincidence that libreboot can support this hardware, with some issues (see sections below). + While Google does hire a lot of coreboot developers, it's not the case that these laptops can be used + in freedom (libreboot) because Google cares about user freedom. It's just a lucky coincidence. Nothing more. +
++ Chromebooks are designed (from the factory) to actually coax the user into using + proprietary web services + (SaaSS) that invade the user's privacy. Google is even a member of the PRISM program, as outlined + by Edward Snowden. See notes about ChromeOS below. The libreboot project recommends + that the user replace the default ChromeOS with a less evil distribution. +
++ We also use the same argument for the MacBook and the ThinkPads that are supported in libreboot. + Those laptops are supported, in spite of Apple and Lenovo, companies which are actually hostile + to the free software movement. +
++ Back to top of page. +
+These systems do not use the GRUB payload. Instead, they use a payload called depthcharge, which is common on Chromebooks. -- cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2