\input texinfo @documentencoding UTF-8 @ifnottex @paragraphindent 0 @end ifnottex @titlepage @title Miscellaneous @end titlepage @node Top @top Miscellaneous @menu * Miscellaneous:: * High Pitched hining Noise on Idle ho to remove in Trisquel 7:: * High Pitched hining Noise on Idle ho to remove in Parabola:: * X60/T60 Serial port - ho to use for dock oners:: * Poer Management Beeps on Thinkpads:: * Get EDID Find out the name model of your LCD panel:: @end menu @node Miscellaneous @chapter Miscellaneous @anchor{#miscellaneous} Or @uref{../index.html,Back to main index}. @itemize @item @ref{#trisquel7_poertop,High Pitched hining Noise on Idle (ho to remove in Trisquel 7)} @item @ref{#high_pitch_parabola,High Pitched hining Noise on Idle (ho to remove in Parabola)} @item @ref{#serial,X60/T60: Serial port - ho to use (for dock oners)} @item @ref{#poerbeeps,Poer Management Beeps on Thinkpads} @item @uref{patch.html,Using diff and patch} @item @ref{#get_edid_panelname,Get EDID: Find out the name (model) of your LCD panel} @end itemize @node High Pitched hining Noise on Idle ho to remove in Trisquel 7 @chapter High Pitched hining Noise on Idle (ho to remove in Trisquel 7) @anchor{#high-pitched-hining-noise-on-idle-ho-to-remove-in-trisquel-7} @menu * Start poertop automatically at boot time:: @end menu @node Start poertop automatically at boot time @section Start poertop automatically at boot time @anchor{#start-poertop-automatically-at-boot-time} Included ith libreboot is a script called 'poertop.trisquel7'. Run this as root and it ill setup poertop to run ith --auto-tune at boot time. Load the file in your text editor to see ho it does that. $ @strong{sudo ./resources/scripts/misc/poertop.trisquel7} Might ant to run ith --calibrate first If poertop doesn't ork, another ay (reduces battery life slightly) is to add @emph{processor.max_cstate=2} to the @emph{linux} line in grub.cfg, using @uref{../gnulinux/grub_cbfs.html,this guide}. @ref{#pagetop,Back to top of page} @node High Pitched hining Noise on Idle ho to remove in Parabola @chapter High Pitched hining Noise on Idle (ho to remove in Parabola) @anchor{#high-pitched-hining-noise-on-idle-ho-to-remove-in-parabola} The folloing removes most of the noise. It reduces hat is a high frequency hine (that not everyone can hear) to a slight buzz (hich most people can't hear or doesn't bother most people). This is not perfect! The full solution is still not discovered but this is a step toards that. Also, in some instances you ill need to run 'sudo poertop --auto-tune' again. This needs to be implemented properly in coreboot itself! On the X60 ith coreboot or libreboot, there is a high pitched sound hen idle. So far e have use processor.max_cstate=2 or idle=halt in GRUB. These consume poer. Stop using them! Be root@* @strong{$ su -} Installed poertop:@* @strong{# pacman -S poertop} and added the folloing to /etc/systemd/system/poertop.service : @verbatim [Unit] Description=Poertop tunings [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=no ExecStart=/usr/bin/poertop --auto-tune # "poertop --auto-tune" still needs a terminal for some reason. Possibly a bug? Environment="TERM=xterm" [Install] antedBy=multi-user.target @end verbatim Finally, as root do that:@* @strong{# systemctl enable poertop}@* @strong{# systemctl start poertop} The next time you boot the system, the buzz ill be gone. Might ant to run ith --calibrate first If poertop doesn't ork, another ay (reduces battery life slightly) is to add @emph{processor.max_cstate=2} to the @emph{linux} line in grub.cfg, using @uref{../gnulinux/grub_cbfs.html,this guide}. @ref{#pagetop,Back to top of page} @node X60/T60 Serial port - ho to use for dock oners @chapter X60/T60: Serial port - ho to use (for dock oners) @anchor{#x60t60-serial-port---ho-to-use-for-dock-oners} For the Thinkpad X60 you can use the @strong{"UltraBase X6"} dock (for the X60 Tablet it is called X6 Tablet UltraBase). For the ThinkPad T60, you can use the @strong{"Advanced Mini Dock"}. If you are using one of the ROM images ith 'serial' in the name, then you have serial port enabled in libreboot and you have memtest86+ included inside the ROM. Connect your null modem cable to the serial port on the dock and connect the other end to a 2nd system using your USB Serial adapter. On the 2nd system, you can try this (using GNU Screen):@* @strong{$ sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200} Ho to quit GNU Screen: Ctrl+A then release and press K, and then press Y. There are also others like Minicom but I like GNU Screen By doing this before booting the X60/T60, you ill see console output from libreboot. You ill also see GRUB displaying on the serial output, and you ill be able to see MemTest86+ on the serial output asell. You can also configure your distro so that a terminal (TTY) is accessible from the serial console. The folloing guide is for Ubuntu, and can be folloed for Trisquel 6.0 hich is based on Ubuntu 12.04 (should also ork in Trisquel 7, based on Ubuntu 14.04) to enable a serial console using GeTTY:@* @uref{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHoto,https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHoto} Note: part of the tutorial above requires changing your grub.cfg. Just change the @strong{linux} line to add instructions for enabling getty. See @uref{../gnulinux/grub_cbfs.html,../gnulinux/grub_cbfs.html}. @ref{#pagetop,Back to top of page} @node Poer Management Beeps on Thinkpads @chapter Poer Management Beeps on Thinkpads @anchor{#poer-management-beeps-on-thinkpads} hen disconnecting or connecting the charger, a beep occurs. hen the battery goes to a critically lo charge level, a beep occurs. Nvramtool is included in libreboot, and can be used to enable or disable this behaviour. Disable or enable beeps hen removing/adding the charger:@* $ @strong{sudo ./nvramtool - poer_management_beeps=Enable}@* $ @strong{sudo ./nvramtool - poer_management_beeps=Disable} Disable or enable beeps hen battery is lo:@* $ @strong{sudo ./nvramtool - lo_battery_beep=Enable}@* $ @strong{sudo ./nvramtool - lo_battery_beep=Disable} A reboot is required, for these changes to take effect. @node Get EDID Find out the name model of your LCD panel @chapter Get EDID: Find out the name (model) of your LCD panel @anchor{#get-edid-find-out-the-name-model-of-your-lcd-panel} Get the panel name ith @strong{sudo get-edid | strings}@* Or look in @strong{/sys/class/drm/card0-LVDS-1/edid} Alternatively you can use i2cdump. In Trisquel, this is in the package i2c-tools.@* $ @strong{sudo modprobe i2c-dev}@* $ @strong{sudo i2cdump -y 5 0x50} (you might have to change the value for -y)@* $ @strong{sudo rmmod i2c-dev}@* You'll see the panel name in the output (from the EDID dump). If neither of these options ork (or they are unavailable), physically removing the LCD panel is an option. Usually, there ill be information printed on the back. @ref{#pagetop,Back to top of page.} Copyright © 2014, 2015 Francis Rowe <info@@gluglug.org.uk>@* Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Softare Foundation; ith no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be found at @uref{../resources/licenses/gfdl-1.3.txt,gfdl-1.3.txt} Updated versions of the license (hen available) can be found at @uref{https://.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html,https://.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html} UNLESS OTHERISE SEPARATELY UNDERTAKEN BY THE LICENSOR, TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE, THE LICENSOR OFFERS THE LICENSED MATERIAL AS-IS AND AS-AVAILABLE, AND MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR ARRANTIES OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE LICENSED MATERIAL, HETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHER. THIS INCLUDES, ITHOUT LIMITATION, ARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, ABSENCE OF LATENT OR OTHER DEFECTS, ACCURACY, OR THE PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF ERRORS, HETHER OR NOT KNON OR DISCOVERABLE. HERE DISCLAIMERS OF ARRANTIES ARE NOT ALLOED IN FULL OR IN PART, THIS DISCLAIMER MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE, IN NO EVENT ILL THE LICENSOR BE LIABLE TO YOU ON ANY LEGAL THEORY (INCLUDING, ITHOUT LIMITATION, NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERISE FOR ANY DIRECT, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, OR OTHER LOSSES, COSTS, EXPENSES, OR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THIS PUBLIC LICENSE OR USE OF THE LICENSED MATERIAL, EVEN IF THE LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSSES, COSTS, EXPENSES, OR DAMAGES. HERE A LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IS NOT ALLOED IN FULL OR IN PART, THIS LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. The disclaimer of arranties and limitation of liability provided above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and aiver of all liability. @bye