#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (C) 2016 Paul Kocialkowski <contact@paulk.fr> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. BUILD_SYSTEM="libreboot" PROJECTS="projects" SOURCES="sources" BUILD="build" INSTALL="install" RELEASE="release" SYSTEMS="systems" IMAGES="images" TOOLS="tools" CONFIGS="configs" PATCHES="patches" TARGETS="targets" REVISION="revision" BLOBS="blobs" BLOBS_IGNORE="blobs-ignore" BLOBS_DISCOVER="blobs-discover" DOTEPOCH=".epoch" DOTRNDSEED=".rndseed" DOTVERSION=".version" DOTREVISION=".revision" DOTTARFILES=".tarfiles" ARCHIVE="tar.xz" CHECKSUM="sha256sum" DSIG="asc" function_check() { local function=$1 declare -f -F "$function" > /dev/null } variable_check() { local variable=$1 test ! -z "${!variable}" } arguments_list() { local argument for argument in "$@" do printf '%s\n' "$argument" done } download_wrapper() { local download_dir="$1" shift local uris=($@) # TODO: Add support for curl, in addition # to wget, for compatibility reasons wget_options=( --config=/dev/null --secure-protocol=PFS --directory-prefix="${download_dir}" --continue -- ) wget "${wget_options[@]}" "${uris[@]}" } diff_patch_file() { local repository_path="$1" local patch_file_path="$2" # TODO: Improve handling of filenames to avoid gotchas w/ \n, \t, etc. local filename_in_diff="$(sed -rne 's/^-{3}\s+([^ \r\n]*).*/\1/p' "${patch_file_path}")" local source_file_path if ! ( grep -E '^-{3}.*/' "${patch_file_path}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ); then source_file_path="${repository_path}/${filename_in_diff}" else source_file_path="${repository_path}/${filename_in_diff##*/}" fi patch "${source_file_path}" "${patch_file_path}" } path_wildcard_expand() { local path=$@ # Evaluation fails with unescaped whitespaces. path=$( printf '%s\n' "$path" | sed "s/ /\\\ /g" ) eval "arguments_list "$path"" } file_checksum_create() { local path=$1 local checksum_path="$path.$CHECKSUM" local name=$( basename "$path" ) local directory_path=$( dirname "$path" ) ( cd "$directory_path" sha256sum "$name" > "$checksum_path" ) } file_checksum_check() { local path=$1 local checksum_path="$path.$CHECKSUM" local name=$( basename "$path" ) local directory_path=$( dirname "$path" ) if ! [ -f "$checksum_path" ] then printf '%s\n' 'Could not verify file checksum!' >&2 return 1 fi ( cd "$directory_path" sha256sum -c "$checksum_path" ) } file_signature_create() { local path=$1 local signature_path="$path.$DSIG" if [ -z "$RELEASE_KEY" ] then return 0 fi gpg --default-key "$RELEASE_KEY" --armor --output "$signature_path" --detach-sign --yes "$path" } file_signature_check() { local path=$1 local signature_path="$path.$DSIG" if ! [ -f "$signature_path" ] then printf '%s\n' 'Could not verify file signature!' >&2 return 1 fi gpg --armor --verify "$signature_path" "$path" } file_verification_create() { local path=$1 file_checksum_create "$path" file_signature_create "$path" } file_verification_check() { local path=$1 file_checksum_check "$path" file_signature_check "$path" } file_exists_check() { local path=$1 test -f "$path" } directory_filled_check() { local path=$1 if [ -z "$( ls -A "$path" 2> /dev/null )" ] then return 1 else return 0 fi } archive_files_create() { local source_path="$1" local directory="$(basename "${source_path}")" local tarfiles_path="${source_path}/${DOTTARFILES}" local revision_path="${source_path}/${DOTREVISION}" local version_path="${source_path}/${DOTVERSION}" local epoch_path="${source_path}/${DOTEPOCH}" local rnd_seed_path="${source_path}/${DOTRNDSEED}" # Files in "${tarfiles_path}" are NUL terminated. # `tr '\0' '\n'` for human-readable output. if git_check "${source_path}"; then git_files "${source_path}" > "${tarfiles_path}" printf '%s\0' "${DOTTARFILES}" >> "${tarfiles_path}" else find "${source_path}" -print0 | env LC_ALL='C.UTF-8' sort -z | sed -z "1d;s,^${source_path}/\\?,,;/^${DOTTARFILES}\$/d" > "${tarfiles_path}" fi for dotfile in "${revision_path}" \ "${version_path}" \ "${epoch_path}" \ "${rnd_seed_path}" do if [[ -f "${dotfile}" ]]; then printf '%s\0' ".${dotfile##*.}" >> "${tarfiles_path}" fi done } archive_files_date() { local source_path="$1" local epoch_path="${source_path}/${DOTEPOCH}" if [[ -n "${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}" ]]; then find "${source_path}" -execdir touch --no-dereference --date="@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}" {} + fi } archive_create() { local archive_path="$1" local source_path="$2" local directory="$3" local tarfiles_path="${source_path}/${DOTTARFILES}" local directory_path="$(dirname "${archive_path}")" mkdir -p "${directory_path}" if [[ -z "${directory}" ]]; then directory="$(basename "${source_path}")" fi archive_files_create "${source_path}" archive_files_date "${source_path}" local tar_options=( --create --xz --file="${archive_path}" --files-from="${tarfiles_path}" --transform="s,^,${directory}/,S" --no-recursion --null --owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner ) ( cd "${source_path}" tar "${tar_options[@]}" ) } archive_extract() { local archive_path="$1" local destination_path="$2" if [[ -z "${destination_path}" ]]; then destination_path="$(dirname "${archive_path}")" fi tar -xf "${archive_path}" -ps -C "${destination_path}" } rootfs_files_create() { local source_path="$1" local directory="$(basename "${source_path}")" local tarfiles_path="${source_path}/${DOTTARFILES}" # Files in "${tarfiles_path}" are NUL terminated. # `tr '\0' '\n'` for human-readable output. execute_root find "${source_path}" -print0 | env LC_ALL='C.UTF-8' sort -z | sed -z "1d;s,^${source_path}/\\?,,;/^${DOTTARFILES}\$/d" > "${tarfiles_path}" } rootfs_files_date() { local source_path="$1" local epoch_path="${source_path}/${DOTEPOCH}" if [[ -n "${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}" ]]; then execute_root find "${source_path}" -execdir touch --no-dereference --date="@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}" {} + fi } rootfs_create() { local rootfs_path="$1" local source_path="$2" local directory="$3" local tarfiles_path="${source_path}/${DOTTARFILES}" local directory_path="$(dirname "${rootfs_path}")" mkdir -p "${directory_path}" if [[ -z "${directory}" ]]; then directory="$(basename "${source_path}")" fi rootfs_files_create "${source_path}" rootfs_files_date "${source_path}" local tar_options=( --create --xz --file="${rootfs_path}" --files-from="${tarfiles_path}" --no-recursion --null --owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner ) ( cd "${source_path}" execute_root tar "${tar_options[@]}" ) execute_root chmod 644 "${rootfs_path}" execute_root chown "${USER}:${USER}" "${rootfs_path}" } requirements() { local requirement local requirement_path for requirement in "$@" do requirement_path=$( which "$requirement" || true ) if [ -z "$requirement_path" ] then printf '%s\n' "Missing requirement: $requirement" >&2 exit 1 fi done } requirements_root() { local requirement local requirement_path for requirement in "$@" do # We need to keep stdout output to show the command. requirement_path=$( execute_root which "$requirement" || true ) if [ -z "$requirement_path" ] then printf '%s\n' "Missing requirement: $requirement" >&2 exit 1 fi done } arguments_concat() { local delimiter=$1 shift local concat for argument in "$@" do if ! [ -z "$concat" ] then concat="$concat""$delimiter""$argument" else concat="$argument" fi done printf '%s\n' "$concat" } execute_root() { local sudo=$( which sudo 2> /dev/null || true ) local arguments printf '%s' 'Running command as root: ' >&2 printf '%b\n' "$*" >&2 if ! [ -z "$sudo" ] then sudo "$@" else # Quote arguments for eval through su. arguments=$( printf '%q ' "$@" ) su -c "$arguments" fi }