
set -e

# This is used when updating the version of
# coreboot that libreboot uses, to know what
# new blobs have landed in coreboot

# full deblob scripts based on linux-libre
# will replace this script later on. For now, 
# this will have to do.

echo "finding blobs in coreboot..."

cp deblob-check ../../../coreboot
cd ../../../coreboot/

chmod +x deblob-check
find -type f | xargs ./deblob-check > blobs
rm -f deblob-check

rm -f tocheck
touch tocheck

for file in $(cat blobs)
	if ! grep -Fxq "$file" ../resources/utilities/coreboot-libre/nonblobs
		 echo "$file" >> tocheck
rm -f blobs

rm -f ../resources/utilities/coreboot-libre/tocheck
mv tocheck ../resources/utilities/coreboot-libre

cd ../resources/utilities/coreboot-libre

echo "open resources/utilities/coreboot-libre/tocheck in an editor"
echo "this will contain the names of the files that you must decide whether they are blobs or not"