--- title: Information about sending patches for review x-toc-enable: true ... Useful information, related to Libreboot development, including links to the Git repositories where development is done. Development discussion is done on IRC and on the libreboot [subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/libreboot/) Download Libreboot from the Git repository here: **git clone https://notabug.org/libreboot/libreboot.git** How can I help the libreboot project? -------------------------------------- **At any given time, here is a list of tasks if there are any, for the next stable release of libreboot: [click here](https://notabug.org/libreboot/libreboot/issues)** - this is also where to send bug reports. There are many ways that you can assist the libreboot project. We have a [task list on the bug tracker](https://notabug.org/libreboot/libreboot/issues), which you can work on (you can also add to that list). Generally speaking, adding support for more hardware is a priority for the libreboot project. Information about building libreboot can be found at [here](docs/git/). We especially need more skilled coreboot hackers to do work that will benefit the libreboot project. This includes porting new boards to coreboot, which are likely to be valid candidates for libreboot. Learn libreboot from the inside out; download the git repository, and study libreboot. We need more full-time developers who can help to maintain the project. Not a developer? You can still help! - Work towards convincing hardware manufacturers and designers to start caring about free software. Perhaps even build your own hardware. - Spread the word about libreboot! Tell your friends about it, and talk about it on public internet-based discussion networks (e.g. *social networks*). - Install and use libreboot yourself, showing it to others and promoting it that way. [Computers with libreboot preinstalled are also available](suppliers.md), which helps to fund the libreboot project. - Help others to install libreboot. For example, organize an installation workshop at your local hackerspace. - Assist with improving the libreboot documentation, so that others may find it easier to use. General guidelines for submitting patches ----------------------------------------- Some people put their name on their work, for recognition, and it's OK if you want to do that; however, the libreboot project does not require this. Some projects (such as coreboot) require a legal name, and this can be problematic for certain groups of people. Using your legal name is **not** required when submitting patches to libreboot. For reasons why we have this policy, read [this article](http://geekfeminism.org/2012/09/29/quick-hit-how-git-shows-the-patriarchal-nature-of-the-software-industry/). You can use any name of your choosing, or your company name (if you have one), if you want or need to do that. You can also submit patches *without a name*, if you want or need to do that (instructions are provided on this page). Also, read [this article](http://www.kalzumeus.com/2010/06/17/falsehoods-programmers-believe-about-names/). Unfortunately, git appears to be stuck with these problems, when an author changes their name, and we don't have a concrete answer to it. As far as we know, publishing your legal name isn't even required for copyright purposes; in fact, "pen" names are commonly used by literary authors (computer programs are literary works). When submitting any kind of documentation, try not to use the terms him/her, she/he, his/her, or anything that is gender biased. **Use their, they, them, those people, that person, and so on.** [You are making a huge difference](https://gist.github.com/0xabad1dea/8870b192fd1758743f66#file-singularthey-md) . NOTE: not putting a copyright notice on a work does not mean it lacks copyright. Copyright is *automatic* in most countries. Not putting a license on a work also does not make that work *free*; you have to declare a free license, otherwise the default, restrictive copyright laws apply for those who wish to do anything with your work. Always put a license on your work! Libreboot development is facilitated by *[git](https://git-scm.com/)*, a *distributed* version control system. You will need to install git (most distributions package it in their repositories). Use this command, to download the repository: How to download Libreboot from the Git repository: -------------------------------------------------- **git clone https://notabug.org/libreboot/libreboot.git** A new directory named ***libreboot*** will have been created, containing libreboot. How to submit your patches -------------------------- ### Method 0: Use NotABug pull requests NotABug, libreboot's main git hosting provider, now provides a *pull requests* feature. has the libreboot repository. Create an account on the website, then view the libreboot repo and click "fork" and clone your fork. Then commit your patch on top, and push into your repository (we recommend into a non-master branch). NotABug guides you through the process of pushing patches to it. Once you have pushed your patches, go to the relevant repository on and click "Pull Requests". Then click "New Pull Request". Select the relevant branches that you want to submit a pull request for, between the two repositories, and then click "Submit". Once you have issued a Pull Request, the Libreboot maintainers will be notified via email. If you do not receive a fast enough response from the project, then you could also notify the project via the #libreboot channel on FreeNode. Relevant links to bug trackers for discussing development (especially patch review) are on [NotABug](https://notabug.org/libreboot/libreboot/issues)