% Libreboot installation workshop at FSF LibrePlanet 2018 conference
% Leah Rowe
% 21 March 2018
LibrePlanet is the annual conference held by the Free Software Foundation in
Boston, MA, USA. This year, it's being held at MIT university on March 24th
and 25th. More details about it are here:
The FSF isn't officially hosting a libreboot workshop at libreplanet
this year. At the 2015 and 2016 LibrePlanet conference, there were workshops
there run by myself and Patrick McDermott, a former member of the Libreboot
project. The FSF has confirmed that they don't have a dedicated room for it
this year, due to increasing number of conference goers.
Therefore, an unofficial workshop is being set up. I've already issued a news
post about this on the libreplanet-discuss mailing list:
With John Sullivan's blessing:
If you, the reader, are attending LibrePlanet this year, and you would like to
get a libreboot system flashed for you, then take it with you to LibrePlanet.
There will be knowledgeable people there who can flash libreboot for you.
Find one of the people on the list below (list will be updated if more people
volunteer to flash). If it's Kurt, they'll flash for you at the technoethical
booth. If it's someone else, they can take you into the speakers lounge - does
not matter if they're not a speaker. John Sullivan of FSF has approved this.
There are tables, chairs and power sockets in that room.
There are also tables and chairs outside the speakers lounge, in the common
area at the conference, but I highly recommend using the speakers lounge.
That's where I took people, on Libreplanet 2015 and 2016 :)
It's really comfy in there.
John Sullivan of FSF has also confirmed that that there is a dedicated
*alcohol-free social and hacking time* at the FSF office on Saturday 24th
March, between 1900 to 2130 hours. You could also flash someones laptop for
them there, in the conference room at the FSF, or on a table outside. Or the
sysadmin room, if that's OK with them.
I've been asking around. The following people have confirmed so far that they
will be providing Libreboot flashing services at the conference:
- Kurt from Technoethical, an FSF-endorsed libreboot hardware seller. They will
also have their own samples. They'll be at the Technoethical booth there.
IRC nick sensiblemn\_ or sensiblemn on #libreboot IRC
- zyliwax from #libreboot IRC - has not committed fully, but is *very likely
to attend*, in their own words.
- Patrick McDermott (pehjota) of Libiquity. I've emailed them to ask,
though I'm not sure if they'll be there - they're usually there though, each
- You could also find an FSF sysadmin and ask them to flash Libreboot for you.
I would be grateful if anyone else would also be willing to provide flashing.
I myself am not attending the conference physically, unfortunately.
See mailing list post for more info. If you would like to help Kurt and
zyliwax out, please either reply to that mailing list post on
libreplanet-discuss or email me directly:
[leah@libreboot.org](mailto:leah@libreboot.org) and I'll add your name in
the above list.
Basically, all you need for flashing someones laptop at the conference is:
- Portable SPI flasher (USB powered. SSH into it via your laptop, use the SPI
flasher's own 3v3, etc). Make sure to use the workaround-mx patch on
flashrom, so that you can use --workaround-mx on Macronix chips, if flashing
an X200, otherwise flashing will be unreliable (see mailing list post linked
above) - portability is important, in case you sit down with someone in
a place without power sockets.
See guides on libreboot.org for setting up SPI flashers, but ignore the notes
about external PSUs and instead just wire up the flasher's own 3v3 connection.
The workaround-mx patch is here:
apply this on flashrom src and build with that. To use it, just pass the
--workaround-mx option in flashrom.
- Screwdrivers (phillips head 0 *and* 00 - sometimes labelled PH0 or PH00,
- Thermal paste and thermal cleaning material, for T400 flashing
- arctic mx-4 paste recommended. For cleaning material, use anti-static cloth
and isopropyl alcohol - as pure as possible! ideally close to 100%! 70%
rubbing alcohol is common in USA, and not suitable for electronics
- Anti-ESD wrist/ankle strap, to protect against damage fro electrostatic
discharge when working with circuit boards.
- Bring DIP8 25xx SPI chips with libreboot, for ASUS KCMA-D8 or KGPE-D16, for the
conference goer to put in their D8/D16 when they get home. Also PLCC32 LPC
1MB (or bigger, with padding at the beginning) chips for ASUS KFSN4-DRE
- Soldering equipment (knife tip, hot air, etc) for X200T flashing. NOTE: FSF has
soldering equipment in their offire, you could ask them to lend it to you
if you're flashing a laptop there at the FSF office. NOTE2: Kurt from Techno
is also bringing soldering equipment.