#!/usr/bin/env bash # Bash3 Boilerplate. Copyright (c) 2014, kvz.io #set -o errexit #set -o pipefail #set -o nounset set -o xtrace # Set magic variables for current file & dir __dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" __file="${__dir}/$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" __base="$(basename ${__file} .sh)" __root="$(cd "$(dirname "${__dir}")" && pwd)" # <-- change this as it depends on your app #https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4813092/how-to-read-entire-line-from-bash #so we don't use a while loop IFS=$'\n' _tellusage() { echo -e "${BLD}PURPOSE:${RS} With this script, you will be able to download gpx,trk and kml files for hitchiking on the Reunion Isle.\n ${BLD}USAGE$RS: . ./randopitons.sh option1 option2 option3 The following options are mandatory: --username/-u \"your-username-or-email@randopitons.re\": After that, you will be prompted for your password (it won't display it as you type so don't worry, it's for protecting you from curious peoples looking at you screen (a.k.a shouldersurfing). Facultative: --maptype/-mp maptype: Can be used to specify a particular filetype to download between the 3 choices available. See \"-lm\" for more info --list-regions/-lr: Display the list of available regions. --list-maptype/-lm: Display the list of available maptypes. --region/-r \"string\": Will download the matching regions from the string. --all/-a: Will download all the files from all regions." } _credentials() { echo -e "\nYour username is $RDPUSER. (You can press CTRL+C to cancel the script if this info is incorrect)." echo -e "\nPassword (for randopitons.re): " read -s RDPUSERPASS } _logincheck() { LOGINTEST=$(wget -qO- --save-cookies ${__dir}/cookiejar.txt --keep-session-cookies --post-data="mail=${RDPUSER}&password=${RDPUSERPASS}" --delete-after https://randopitons.re/connexion | grep "L'adresse mail ou le mot de passe ne correspondent pas.") if [ -z "$LOGINTEST" ];then echo "Login is successful." LOGINOK=true mkdir ${__dir}/randopfiles else echo "Login is not successful." LOGINOK=false rm ${__dir}/cookiejar.txt exit fi } #Filechecks if [ -s "${__dir}/regions.txt" ];then echo "Region file is already there. OK" else echo "Region file doesn't exist, we will create it." echo -e "Cirque de Cilaos\nCirque de Mafate\nCirque de Salazie\nEst\nNord\nOuest\nSud\nVolcan\nAilleurs\nAll">${__dir}/regions.txt fi if [ -s "${__dir}/webregions.txt" ];then echo "Webegion file is already there. OK" else echo "Webregion file doesn't exist, we will create it." echo -e "cirque-cilaos\ncirque-mafate\ncirque-salazie\nest\nnord\nouest\nsud\nvolcan\nailleurs">${__dir}/webregions.txt fi REGIONS=$(cat ${__dir}/regions.txt) MAPTYPE="gpx" RDPUSER= RDPUSERPASS= LOGINOK= if [ "$1" = "" ];then _tellusage fi while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case $1 in -u | --username ) shift RDPUSER="$1" _credentials _logincheck ;; -mp | --maptype ) shift MAPTYPE="$1" while [ $MAPTYPE != "gpx" -a $MAPTYPE != "trk" -a $MAPTYPE != "kml" ] do echo -e "\nMaptype supplied is not correct" echo -e "Which map filetype you want to set : ${BLD}gpx(default),trk or kml ?$RS" read -N 3 MAPTYPE done echo -e $HC$FGRN"\nThe $MAPTYPE maptype is a valid choice !"$RS ;; -lr | --list-regions) echo -e "Here's a list:\n$REGIONS" ;; -lm | --list-maptype) echo "These are the valid maptypes:gpx\nkml\ntrk" ;; -r | --region ) shift matching=$(grep -iE "$1" ${__dir}/regions.txt) if [ "$1" = "" -o "$matching" = "" ];then echo "Nothing matched or you entered an empty value." _tellusage fi echo -e "Your region choice was '$1'\n See what matched :" echo -e $HC$FCYN"$matching"$RS webmatching=$(echo $matching | sed 's/ de /\-/g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') FILENBRS=$(wget -qO- https://randopitons.re/randonnees/region/${webmatching} | grep "