diff options
authorMiquel Lionel <lionel@les-miquelots.net>2024-01-20 12:11:02 +0100
committerMiquel Lionel <lionel@les-miquelots.net>2024-01-20 12:11:02 +0100
commit7916ff41c800791106b88602bb77fb3ad5dbfa75 (patch)
parentb27f9ffac908c64fd92e77ff805f83013259b8f9 (diff)
Split list command in two. Adding -i/--install
- the list command is now split between listing the ISOs (-l/--list) and listing them with their last-modified date (-ld/--list-dates). The sleep time between requests is now in a variable. - the -i/--install switch takes a path to an Samsung SSD firmware ISO and tries to install it. The logic at the end of the script has moved inside it.
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/samsung-ssd-fwupdate b/samsung-ssd-fwupdate
index a70e0e8..2488854 100755
--- a/samsung-ssd-fwupdate
+++ b/samsung-ssd-fwupdate
@@ -61,43 +61,51 @@ if [[ "$1" = "-d" || "$1" = "--download" ]]; then
exit 0
-if [[ "$1" = "-l" || "$1" = "--list" ]]; then
+if [[ "$1" = "-l" || "$1" = "--list" || "$1" = "--list-dates" || "$1" = "-ld" ]]; then
_check_connectivity || exit 1
- echo -e "Listing the firmware files URL available on samsung official website:\n"
- for iso in `curl -sJL $FIRMURL | grep "iso" | grep -ioE "href=\"(.*)\"" | cut -d\" -f2`; do
- sleep 3 # do not put too much strain on webservers
- LMDATE="$(curl --head -sL $iso | grep -i 'last-modified')"
- echo -e "$iso | $LMDATE\n"
- done
+ FWLIST=`curl -sJL $FIRMURL | grep "iso" | grep -ioE "href=\"(.*)\"" | cut -d\" -f2`
+ echo -e "Listing the Samsung SS firmware files URLs 'last modified' date. Sleeping $SLEEPTIME seconds between requests:\n"
+ if [[ "$1" = "--list-dates" || "$1" = "-ld" ]]; then
+ for iso in `echo "$FWLIST"`; do
+ sleep $SLEEPTIME
+ LMDATE="$(curl --head -sL $iso | grep -i 'last-modified')"
+ echo -e "$iso was $LMDATE"
+ done
+ else
+ echo "$FWLIST" | nl
+ fi
exit 0
-if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- echo -e "\n${BOLD}${RED}Error${RESETC}: You need to provide the path to a Samsung SDD firmware iso file.\nYou can download one of them from the Samsung website at ${BOLD}$FIRMURL${RESETC} or interactively by lauching this script with the ${BOLD}-d${RESETC} or ${BOLD}--download${RESETC} flag."
- echo -e "You can also get a list of available ISOs and their last modified date by launching this script with the ${BOLD}-l${RESETC} or ${BOLD}--list${RESETC} argument\n"
- exit 1
+if [[ "$1" = "-i" || "$1" = "--install" ]]; then
+ shift
+ if ! test -s "$1" ; then
+ echo "File is empty. Aborting script."
+ exit 1
+ fi
-if [[ $EUID > 0 ]]; then
- echo -e "${BOLD}${RED}Error:${RESETC} You must run this script as root."
- exit 1
+ echo Samsung SSD ISO $1 was selected for install.
+ if [[ $EUID > 0 ]]; then
+ echo -e "${BOLD}${RED}Error:${RESETC} You must run this script as root."
+ exit 1
+ fi
-umount $FWISOMNT
-echo "Charging loop module..." && modprobe loop || (echo "${BOLD}${RED}Error:${RESETC} Can't load loop module to mount ISOs. You may have upgraded your kernel without rebooting." && exit 1)
-rm -rf $FWISOMNT
-mkdir -p $FWISOMNT
-mount -o loop "$1" "$FWISOMNT" || (echo -e "${BOLD}${RED}Can't mount iso to $FWISOMNT. Aborting script.${RESETC}" && exit 1)
-if [ -e "$FWISOMNT/initrd" ]; then
- mkdir -p $FWISOTMP
- gzip -dc $FWISOMNT/initrd | cpio -idv --no-absolute-filenames
- cd root/fumagician
- chmod +x fumagician
- ./fumagician
- rm -rf $FWISOTMP
- echo No initrd found. Aborting.
- rm -rf "$FWISOTMP"
+ umount $FWISOMNT
+ echo "Charging loop module..." && modprobe loop || (echo "${BOLD}${RED}Error:${RESETC} Can't load loop module to mount ISOs. The cause is that you may have upgraded your kernel without rebooting." && exit 1)
+ rm -Irf "$FWISOMNT"
+ mkdir -p "$FWISOMNT"
+ mount -o loop "$1" "$FWISOMNT" || (echo -e "${BOLD}${RED}Can't mount iso to $FWISOMNT. Aborting script.${RESETC}" && exit 1)
+ if [ -e "$FWISOMNT/initrd" ]; then
+ cd "$FWISOTMP"
+ gzip -dc "$FWISOMNT/initrd" | cpio -idv --no-absolute-filenames
+ cd root/fumagician
+ chmod +x fumagician
+ ./fumagician
+ rm -Irf "$FWISOTMP"
+ else
+ echo No initrd found. Aborting.
+ rm -Irf "$FWISOTMP"
+ fi
+ umount $FWISOMNT
+ rmmod loop
-umount $FWISOMNT