blob: d01fda7a91cc46bf5bcad59707950df18ccd7d20 (
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using Xmpp.Core;
namespace Xmpp.Bind {
private const string NS_URI = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind";
/** The parties to a stream MUST consider resource binding as mandatory-to-negotiate. (RFC6120 7.3.1) */
public class Module : XmppStreamNegotiationModule {
public const string ID = "bind_module";
private string requested_resource;
public signal void bound_to_resource(XmppStream stream, string my_jid);
public Module(string requested_resource) {
this.requested_resource = requested_resource;
public void iq_response_stanza(XmppStream stream, Iq.Stanza iq) {
var flag = Flag.get_flag(stream);
if (flag == null || flag.finished) return;
if (iq.type_ == Iq.Stanza.TYPE_RESULT) {
flag.my_jid = iq.stanza.get_subnode("jid", NS_URI, true).get_string_content();
flag.finished = true;
bound_to_resource(stream, flag.my_jid);
public void received_features_node(XmppStream stream) {
if (stream.is_setup_needed()) return;
var bind = stream.features.get_subnode("bind", NS_URI);
if (bind != null) {
var flag = new Flag();
StanzaNode bind_node = new"bind", NS_URI).add_self_xmlns()
.put_node(new"resource", NS_URI).put_node(new StanzaNode.text(requested_resource)));
Iq.Module.get_module(stream).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.set(bind_node), new IqResponseListenerImpl());
private class IqResponseListenerImpl : Iq.ResponseListener, Object {
public void on_result(XmppStream stream, Iq.Stanza iq) {
Bind.Module.get_module(stream).iq_response_stanza(stream, iq);
public override void attach(XmppStream stream) {
public override void detach(XmppStream stream) {
public static Module? get_module(XmppStream stream) {
return (Module?) stream.get_module(NS_URI, ID);
public static void require(XmppStream stream) {
if (get_module(stream) == null) stream.add_module(new Bind.Module(""));
public override bool mandatory_outstanding(XmppStream stream) {
return !Flag.has_flag(stream) || !Flag.get_flag(stream).finished;
public override bool negotiation_active(XmppStream stream) {
return Flag.has_flag(stream) && !Flag.get_flag(stream).finished;
public override string get_ns() { return NS_URI; }
public override string get_id() { return ID; }
public class Flag : XmppStreamFlag {
public const string ID = "bind";
public string? my_jid;
public bool finished = false;
public static Flag? get_flag(XmppStream stream) {
return (Flag?) stream.get_flag(NS_URI, ID);
public static bool has_flag(XmppStream stream) {
return get_flag(stream) != null;
public override string get_ns() { return NS_URI; }
public override string get_id() { return ID; }